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Design Guides

Open Submissions: A $3 Love Affair


Padlock Gallery invites you to think about the Photobooth experience: the elation at the sight of an unexpected booth, and the in-the-moment decision to steer your legs in its direction….the adjusting of the seat and the choice between the blue and red backgrounds, whose dreamy hues seem only to exist in your mind and nowhere else; the racing of your blood as you slip those dollar bills in the slot…

Submit as many photobooth strips as you want by March 20, 2006. The show will run the month of April, with an opening reception on April 1nd, 2006 at Padlock Gallery in Philadelphia.

For more photobooth love, check out The Photobooth Blog.



  1. I’ve always loved photobooths – the spontanaiety , the graininess, the posing, even the format is adorable. A good friend maintains the best present she ever received from me was the photobooth photos we had done when we met, which I framed, and I still smile when I think of that day and the silly posing.

  2. oh, this has to be one of the best photo booth pictures i’ve ever seen. it’s perfect. a story of it’s own.
    i’ve been looking feverishly for the good old fashioned photo booths here [in germany]. these days, all i seem to find are the new ones. with digital pictures in square format.
    it’s just not right.
    now, to make a wish and find a real photo booth. once again.
    thanks for sharing this…


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