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  1. oh my! happy birthday joy! i will tell you the joys you have to look forward to at age 30. haha. you’re still so young girl! can’t wait to see you in ny at the stationery show.

  2. Happy Birthday! Have a blast today! You young one you! Geez, you’re just only going to have more fun in your 30s. Trust me!! =)

  3. Wow! You go girl! My friend Katie turns 27 this year and she is all bothered about it for whatever reason. Please, the best years are post late 20s and beyond, that’s at least what I lecture to her constantly. Perfect time to get married also, because by late 20s, you really know yourself!

  4. happy bday!
    it doesn’t matter how old you are…it’s how young you look and feel. and you look waay younger than 27 🙂

  5. Happy Belated Birthday! I was on my own internet hiatus because my bday was on three days before yours. Hope you have fun at the shows!

  6. Oh Girl! Can I just say that I sooooo here you. Even though I am a youngin (28) as they say -I just feel I have crossed over. I think my life is going along in dog years. Love your blog. New here. It’s fantabulous! Please let us know about the show as I didn’t want to make the trip this year…ah well.


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