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Design Wedding

our wedding: the invitations


At long last, here’s a snippet of our wedding invitations! Bob and I have known each other for 10 years and dated almost that entire time. I didn’t want to design anything too tightly themed, but rather symbolize our growth together through nature iconography in our stationery.

We were married on the first day of Fall so imagery was based around the changing of seasons, growth, and metamorphosis through images like butterflies, leaves, and swirls of wind. The main colors were chocolate brown, chartreuse, and charcoal grey. Another primary color ~ raspberry ~ was brought in during the wedding through the flowers and other stationery collateral of that day. I designed the set and then outsourced the letterpress printing of the invites, rsvp, thank you notes, and envelopes. The outer chocolate brown sleeves were wrapped in a laser-printed & patterned band. See more details and photos here


{All images by Oh Joy! Studio}


  1. I’m so glad you posted those, I’ve been wondering what you did for your invites. I’m in the process of doing mine 🙂 I also wanted to ask you if you had seen any fresh ideas for save the date cards?

  2. beautiful, joy! i was lucky enough to see them in person and they were so nice… clean lines, beautiful color combos, whimsical patterns and images.

  3. Gorgeous! I am also at the beginning of this process and plan to design my own and have them letterpressed. I am, however, just like Amy, struggling with unique, modern save the dates. Any ideas for something memorable and modern?

  4. Beautiful!
    I’m getting married next fall and was actually thinking of using brown and a shade of green as my colors.
    I love letterpress.
    I would be most appreciative if you could send me the letterpress prices you were quoted from Rohner.
    And any other helpful info too 🙂

  5. Hi…Congratulations!!
    I´m from Brazil and I visited your blog.
    It´s is beatiful and very interesting!!
    I´m going to marry too, but only in june of 2007.
    Kisses! Bye.


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