Check out the super sweet addition to the complimentary gift boxes at Anthropologie this holiday. Each gift box comes with a small ball of yarn..and inside is a felt snowflake and mini gift tag to adorn the wrapped gift! So sweet and such a lovely unexpected surprise…
a simple surprise…

yes, just another reason to love my favorite store. 🙂
Anthropologie always comes up with the cutest ideas for displays and packaging — if I did this on my own, it wouldn’t look near as hip.
any ideas on how to make your own?!
Ok…I soooooo want one. These are absolutley darling! You are one talented chicka! Thanks so much for sharing with us
Dude I was like whoa these are cute I started posting without reading….I gotcha! You got them from an Anthropologie gift box! Silly me!!!!!
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Marina (from France)
Great craft idea! Love that Anthro… (;
How adorable! ‘Live for the Present’-such a cute statement.
adorable! what a sweet little addition!!
These were popped into my shopping bag last week when I picked up a few gifties at Anthropologie. It was such a pleasant surprise! It felt like a free bonus gift :o)
as if i needed an excuse to shop at anthro this yr!
Darn! I bought something there the other day and declined the gift box because I didn’t need it. I wish I would have known I could get a nifty little snowflake though. How cute!
good to know! anthropologie never ceases to amaze me.
aw, i’m bummed, i bought a gift there friday, and not only did i not get one of these, i got two different sized box pieces, so i ended up boxless!!!
this look like the ribbon yarn that was like twisted we worn in my hair i ve been lookin for it do u still have this omg i need it 🙂 please let me no thanks