We all know that Etsy is a treasure trove for indie designed goods…but sometimes it feels a bit overwhelming to search through the never-ending options. Poppy has a great new site called Etsy Pick of the Day where she chooses a new item or designer. It’s a great way to see all that Etsy has to offer when you don’t have the time {or patience} to weed through it all…
thanks for the mention joy, you’re so sweet.
I love your blog – come here all the time and am always so happy to see you promoting Etsy. I have a budding jewelry shop there too – check it out at creativesparksstudio.etsy.com
Glad to see other people are as addicted to finding great finds on Etsy as well. My boyfriend calls it my addiction.
etsy is opening up a “lab” in brooklyn. they will have classes and a store and stuff!! im super duper excited. i hope they offer ‘stick figure drawing’
🙂 yeah jan! etsy is growing, changing, improving by the second! have you seen the etsy blog? lots of good things to come, so exciting.
I love the frames, so elegant. 🙂