If I had a bike, I would certainly love this lace bike basket inspired by Swedish crochet tablecloths. Check out the other amazing items by Design House Stockholm. {Thanks to my friend Mari for the link!}
I just purchased a dutch bike and now am planning on putting this beautiful bike basket on…they can be purchased at Curbside bike shop on Bloor St. Toronto
This pretty baskets would look amazing with a Couture Cruiser bike basket liner tote bag inside. Couture Cruiser’s stylish bike basket liners cinches into a casual tote bag, perfect way to carry your belongings off in style or keep them securely contained in the basket! Shop the collection of 16 stylish bike basket liners at http://www.couturecruiser.com
Check out the fun fashion lounge too!
It’s so nice to see all of these great cruiser bike accessories that are stylish and functional. More and more people are leaving their car keys at home and hopping on a bike! I found a great cruiser bike basket liner on the web called Betty Basket Liners. Super cute,very durable with carrying straps; I actually use it as a purse quite often. I think the site is http://www.BettyBasketLiners.com
HELP!!! Got the basket w/strap at the Container store. NOW-does anyone know where I can get the hardware for the bike to attatch the basket to the bike???
Thank Joy! I pd $19.99 for the basket and if I return it and buy the whole thing for $75.00, I am basically paying $55.00 for the “parts”! Thats crazy!!(lol)
I will check around and let you know if I find a solution. You may be right in the end!
Thanks again! Kathy
Wow! Super find. I love these!
So cute!!
Oh! Wow! This would be perfect for my bicycle that I brought back from Germany. Thanks for the link. I have to get one!
Oh wow…these are perfect!!
Love the white! So feminine! Thanks for this post!
This is so beautiful!! I can close my eyes and imagine riding a bicycle with such lovely basket full of fresh flowers, how lovely!!Jessica
Sorry for the incorrect url on my last comment.
OMG THAT IS FANTASTIC. Seriously, I’m shouting out loud and my cat is concerned…
so now i want to go buy a bike just so i can have that basket – perfection!
I just posted this on my blog too!!! They are featured in Elle Decoration this month, arent they FAB!
I’m in love!
these are awesome
Oh these are stunning. We definitely need them on the front of our bikes as we zoom around Tokyo. How gorg!
ooh!! i love this! i love when lace is used in a humorous-not-so-dainty way! (like decorative lace tape for instance)
I love this!!!!! I posted on the fp blog… Awesome find
In my wish list! Thank you!
hi everyone, if you haven’t seen it…cb2 now carries this basket in white!
Is there anywhere else I can buy this?
I just purchased a dutch bike and now am planning on putting this beautiful bike basket on…they can be purchased at Curbside bike shop on Bloor St. Toronto
just a quick note. i bought this…loved it…until a gust of wind knocked my bike over and the basket shattered! into a thousand pieces. 🙁
I love this! thanks for letting us know where we can get one!
I love the basket.
I just wish it wasn’t so expensive for me.
This pretty baskets would look amazing with a Couture Cruiser bike basket liner tote bag inside. Couture Cruiser’s stylish bike basket liners cinches into a casual tote bag, perfect way to carry your belongings off in style or keep them securely contained in the basket! Shop the collection of 16 stylish bike basket liners at http://www.couturecruiser.com
Check out the fun fashion lounge too!
It’s so nice to see all of these great cruiser bike accessories that are stylish and functional. More and more people are leaving their car keys at home and hopping on a bike! I found a great cruiser bike basket liner on the web called Betty Basket Liners. Super cute,very durable with carrying straps; I actually use it as a purse quite often. I think the site is http://www.BettyBasketLiners.com
Just bought the EXACT one from the container store for 24.99, plus added coupon code WR0610 for an additional 20% off. They have black and white. Happy cycling!
Adorable, but 80 bucks, whew
HELP!!! Got the basket w/strap at the Container store. NOW-does anyone know where I can get the hardware for the bike to attatch the basket to the bike???
That is a different item. The bicycle version is sold with the attachments. Id return the one you got and get the bicycle version instead. I dont think they sell just the attachments separately.
Thank Joy! I pd $19.99 for the basket and if I return it and buy the whole thing for $75.00, I am basically paying $55.00 for the “parts”! Thats crazy!!(lol)
I will check around and let you know if I find a solution. You may be right in the end!
Thanks again! Kathy