I just wanted to say that I have enjoyed your blog for ages. I really have found some incredible things and people via this lovely weblog. So, thank you for doing what you do.
Check out my blog in a couple of days, I am doing a give away for my birthday. Some beauties handmade books.
Have a great one
Lizzy House
she sometimes sells her work on ebay + I happily won a few of her stick pieces this past year. they are great + I love her work.
That fabric is amazing. I adore bright colors, particularily orange. And those cakes below look yuuuuuumy!!
how stunning
These fabrics are beautiful, exactly the perfect pattern to go with these shapes.
as ur blog name says it…Its Oh JOY !!!!!
I love it!!
Have been sharing alot on my blog..
karen is one of my friends and she is just as lovely as her work. so SO happy to see it featured here. her studio is amazing. you can see a few more shots here:
i love it!!!!
I just wanted to say that I have enjoyed your blog for ages. I really have found some incredible things and people via this lovely weblog. So, thank you for doing what you do.
Check out my blog in a couple of days, I am doing a give away for my birthday. Some beauties handmade books.
Have a great one
Lizzy House