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  1. hi joy,
    i have loved your site since the first time i read about in the philadelphia enquirer (sp?) my husband is from rosemont and i was at him mother’s house and read about you. and look how you have grown since then! i am always inspired by what you find and your new line, nantake joy, is beautiful. i hope you don’t mind–i blog tagged you…write 8 things about yourself in a post, and tag 8 other bloggers…if you chose to participate!! on another note, i hope i get to connect with you sometime; perhaps if you ever come to nyc, or if i am in philly.
    all the best,

  2. i was lucky enough to go to this show. it really was amazing…there is one dress that i must have for my wedding dress…you know in the event that i get married. i’m excited about her shoes for payless too.


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