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{rare device} currently loving…


WHO…Rena Tom of Rare Device in San Francisco (opening this Thursday!)  and Rare + Fine in Brooklyn.

CURRENTLY LOVING…teal and mustard in a big way…
…my house is filled with reds and oranges but lately I’ve shifted to deep, beautiful blues and gritty yellows. Even small doses of these colors really cut through the muddy tones that I also love. There are three paintings by David Huffman, a small drawing on color-aid paper by Robert Gutierrez, a photo taken at a San Diego beach by my husband and printed on fiber paper by me, an ink drawing by Lisa Congdon and a wishbone by Something’s Hiding in Here. I am still going to add a few more pieces to this wall!



  1. thanks for featuring me, joy! it got me off my butt so i finally hung all of that art. and mati, david is really nice. i got them all with the last of our money before moving to new york (and giving the rest to columbia u)…


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