Here’s a little sneak peak of the custom-made glass milk bottles launching these week at Three Potato Four. The 8 oz. and 32 oz bottles are adorned with beautiful graphic numbers signifying the number of ounces in each. Perfect for flowers or as a carafe. Stay tuned for the launch later this week!
love them!
ooh! i heart those bottles – can’t wait to see the entire collection!
i wonder how much they charge for that, how much does it cost for one to put a number on a bottle? Hmmm, i think I’ll make several of these for myself.
Numbers are so beautiful! I should get the 32 one, I’m getting that old this week! 🙂
Milk bottles are in the air! Love the Alyssa Ettinger ones too 🙂
yes, milk bottles (w/flowers in them) on Design*Sponge this week & here too!
ooh…i love glass milk bottles! Milk cartons too, esp the blue & white colour combo. Like the one on Blur’s Coffee & TV music video!!
to Hanna, i’ll get mine 17, i was born on the 17th…if you get the 32, you’ll need to get the 33 next year and 34 the year after…heehee ;p
omgosh! i love these! i love the typeface on them too. just perfect!
oh! I love those bottles!!!!!! i must get one when they come out!
jac, I only said that because I’m trying to adjust my head to the number! I was born the 17th too, but 32 looks great on a bottle! 😉