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  1. Hello,
    I’ve been to your website several times in the past just never said anything. It’s always a treat to see so much inspiration in one sitting. Browsing through your site definitely makes the hours of the day go by. 😛
    I actually found out about you through D*S, when you posted the Philly guide which, was brilliant beyond brilliant by the way. 😉
    My boyfriend and I were thinking of moving there actually so that I can finish school. But I’ve been a little weary about the city just because I’ve never been. I heard the crime rate was high and rising, is it true? :S For someone who lives in Philly, I feel like you’re the only one who can give me the best answer or at least, provide me some comfort that maybe it isn’t all that bad? I mean I know all cities have their share of bad guys, but where I should watch out would be great. 🙂
    Keep up the great work around the site!


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