This weekend is the 5th Annual Art Star Craft Bazaar here in Philadelphia this Saturday and Sunday. They’ve got a great round-up of artists/vendors from all over the country and a new bigger location at Penn’s Landing. Click here for more info. on the event and for a list of vendors that will be there. Here are a few preview images from a few of my favorite Philly artists & designers who will be selling there wares there too…
{left to right, top to bottom: Vintage Handkerchief Cards from Bird & Banner, elephants from Something’s Hiding in Here, notebook by Eleanor Grosch, and Button Cards from Bird & Banner.}
I saw the SHIH elephants on their blog and that was the final push I needed to go this weekend. LOVE art star!
joy: please be sure you stop by and say hi.
shauna & stephen
p.s. we LOVE the bird and banner stationary too.
I think their site lists this as the 5th Annual… anyway, last year was the 1st time i went, and i it was the highlight of my summer! HIGHLY recommend everyone grabs some cash and heads to Penn’s Landing this weekend as this is a treat not to be missed.
pretty notebook and delightful elephants. Wish I could come to Phili for the weekend!
I’m loving the button journal, so unique!
must. have. dove. notebook. Thanks for all the gorgeousness as always!
I totally forgot about this event!! I guess it works out because I lacked funds and it would have been a tease:) However still would have been nice to check out everything.