While I can’t exactly rock the pleated skirts, I can certainly see myself carrying one of these! Reply
I absolutely love these, they satisfy all my girly desires. I’ve been looking for a Summer tote, and I think you just helped narrow down my search. Love your blog, I added you to the links on my site. Reply
ooo la la!! so Marilyn Monroe!
I’m in love. So very pretty. So not within my budget.
youre right, these ARE very pretty!
While I can’t exactly rock the pleated skirts, I can certainly see myself carrying one of these!
I just want to run my hand along those! These are so charming!
I love these! Great find.
I just love those bags. I’m really looking for a white bag right now. Hmmm!
I love shoes and purses! These rock!
Oh those are super cute!
holy geeze!! these are so gorgeous!
They remind me of something Daisy would cay in The Great Gatsby, gorgeous.
I absolutely love these, they satisfy all my girly desires. I’ve been looking for a Summer tote, and I think you just helped narrow down my search. Love your blog, I added you to the links on my site.
These look perfect for summer.
These have my name written all over them.
These have my name written all over them.
These are so, so pretty!