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  1. I love riding in skirts and dresses! Dismounting, I’ll grant you, is slightly difficult, and there are smarmy guys who stare at you, as though waiting for a wardrobe malfunction. But all the slight unsavoriness is completely worth it if you’re having fun, I say!

  2. I love your blog wanted to show you a web from here in Chile South America she is my partner in a yoga clothing company maybe you would like to see her work we are about to launch our yoga clothes line called Paschat I think you might enjoy it check it out CHAO….

  3. i love the first photograph. so simple, yet so lovely! now if this were a photo sequence of me riding a bike the fourth photo would consist of me riding head-on into that stone wall. cheers.

  4. You can look beautiful with or without a helmet, don’t be a helmet freak. Wear one but don’t get all preachy.
    These are nice shots of people riding bikes- simple and clean. There are photos of people riding bikes with helmets- simple and clean. Let it be.


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