Having lived in a high-rise apartment for the last 4 years, I cannot wait to have some land and outdoor space. These images by Debi Treloar (who also photographed one of my favorite books) have a fun take on nature inside and out. {Also check out a similar outdoors in theme in my Philly column this week!}
so lovely!
so lovely!
thanks for sharing! I adore the interiors.. Im checking her website now!
having lived in the suburbs for 5 years, that apartment interior looks like a slice of heaven!
Wish my plants were that healthy, ha ha!
So beautiful! I love the vines and all the wall decorations.
ooh this is awesome, i want to live there!
Oh, this is amazing! Someday hopefully I’ll have a house as gorgeous as this.
Gorgeous! I want a bit of that too…
i was just looking at the right image the other day thinking… is it creepy to have those plants everywhere? or just really really cool? i think i like it 🙂
These are beautiful photos of indoor/outdoor decor…
Same thing for me, after several years in apartments with tiny balcony, i’m wishing to buy, one day, a house with a big garden.
wow, these rooms look amazing!
Oh my, so gorgeous!! I love the plants falling over the sofa <3
lusciously lovely. trying to recall what magazine i saw their hoome featured in.. could it have been a few years ago? very emotion-led.. takes guts.