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  1. ooh, how exciting! I love anthro, bought some super cute (and cheap!) dresses there recently. and I almost bought a new notebook but didn’t. maybe so I can buy your adorable icy blue one?! 🙂

  2. I saw these there this week and thought of you! I was gifted the “i love” notebook a few years ago which is how I discovered you. What a great store to be sold at! You are incredibly gifted.

  3. oh my gosh so funny! i just saw these at the anthro store in st. louis and i thought they were so cute and then i turned them over to see your logo and i was like “wait… i think i read that blog” and so i came home and lo and behold… here is this post. lol

  4. Joy,
    the pretty blue is just perfect! can’t wait to see more of your notebooks designs! Congrats on being in Anthro! –Joan


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