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  1. good luck on your move! i made the move last summer and while it was hectic, it was also fun. wish i had seen these postcards to send out change of address notices on.

  2. bittersweet that when you are moving to cali, we are making moves towards portland. san diego’s fun and you’ll have a chance to carve out your own niche there. it’s not too design heavy of an area but I am sure you will do just fine. conrgats.

  3. Welcome! When you get to SD you must go to Elizabethan Desserts (north county) for a treat…give me a hollar and I’ll treat! Their coconut cupcake is d-vine.

  4. Welcome! When you get to SD you must go to Elizabethan Desserts (north county) for a treat…give me a hollar and I’ll treat! Their coconut cupcake is d-vine.

  5. Welcome! When you get to SD you must go to Elizabethan Desserts (north county) for a treat…give me a hollar and I’ll treat! Their coconut cupcake is d-vine.

  6. Welcome! When you get to SD you must go to Elizabethan Desserts (north county) for a treat…give me a hollar and I’ll treat! Their coconut cupcake is d-vine.

  7. Welcome! When you get to SD you must go to Elizabethan Desserts (north county) for a treat…give me a hollar and I’ll treat! Their coconut cupcake is d-vine.

  8. i’m in san diego too – and extend a warm welcome as well! i hope your move goes smoothly; let me know if you need a tour guide 😀

  9. fantastic! I moved from CA to Philly 2 years ago and can’t wait to get back to the left coast. Enjoy the wonderful weather and the fabulous attitude!

  10. hey Joy! Though we hvnt really met…i feel really happy for you! Hope you have a smooth move ahead, haha! This is so exciting!! Haha!!

  11. Wish you a fantastic move, new adventure and happy life in your new hometown! Totally understand how you must feel, we just finished unpacking the last box after 5 weeks… love from Kuala Lumpur! irene

  12. Welcome to California! I am a lifelong resident of the Bay Area (probably the only one) and actually on my way out of here. I’m sure you will enjoy CA as much as I have!


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