…can you believe these bags used to be leather jackets? Ashley Watson creates new bags while preserving the original features of soft and gently worn jackets purchased from charity thrift stores. {these two above available at candy store}
Gorgeous and clever — there are several sellers on Etsy that make bags from recycled leather as well. Such a wonderful idea!
Gorgeous and clever — there are several sellers on Etsy that make bags from recycled leather as well. Such a wonderful idea!
Hmm, wish I would have known this before I donated my favorite leather jacket that was getting to tight for me to be comfy in anymore!
both are beautiful, but a bit too pricey for me! but still lovely to look at… 🙂
just love that blue bag!
I love the blue color of the bag, amazing and what an original idea!
holy cow! no pun intended. such a great idea…:)
What a cool idea. I love that blue color.