One of the best parts of having your own business is having the chance to work with on a variety of different projects. I was thrilled to design this packaging earlier this year for Joya which just hit Anthropologie stores this week! The Joya Reserve collection consists of modern interpretations of classic European scents from centuries past. The art direction and design was inspired by a mix of old and new with "time" being a running theme throughout. Available at all Anthropologie stores and online right here.
These came out awesome joy! I love the simple colors and of course that awesome type! Perfect!
I’m so jealous. You did such a beautiful job. I love all the details. Now I’m going to have to see if I like the smell.
Did you do the type or was that a purchased font? Either way, it is perfect!
Looks good 🙂
I agree with you! Sometimes hard for organisation but so exiting having different projects.
Lovely and original packaging.
beautiful, joy! cant wait to see this in stores
clocks. vintage. hand drawn type. swoopies. all my favorite things wrapped into one! LOVE!
wow, I think they look beautiful and they look very cohesive.
So exciting to see some new packaging from you! I love this set (of course I had to tell Andrew about it so we can feature it, if that’s OK with you). I am absolutely in LOVE with the tiny clock hand details. Beauty is in subtlety 🙂
Just picked some up in Sacramento. The packaging is amazing! Looking for an artist for a project i am working on.