Having spent most of my adult life in a big city with no outdoor space, I really love seeing greenery incorporated into urban dwellings. Therefore, I'm loving the work of New York's Verdant Gardens and the extra green bit of green they offer city folks.
I love lush green in cities. That was one of my favorite things about living in Seattle: green peeking out from balconies, between buildings, year-round 🙂
Yes, living in the Tri state area i will have to agree whole heartily!
This green is all so lush- it inspires me to plant all around my (rather urban) house!
Have you ever heard the term vest pocket garden? A native NYer, my mom would refer to these as those. Its such a sweet term, just like these images…
I really like stuff like this. Have you ever seen Hundertwasser’s work in vienna? (His unrealised ideas are even cooler.)
these are really lovely!
gorgeous! can i please live at any of these places!??
I love seeing green splattered among urban sprawls and settings. I was excited when they opened the Highline park for that very reason.
Love these photos and post, really great
I couldn’t agree more. Nothing makes me happier than little green havens in this big concrete city.
Gorgeous <3
Truly lovely photos.
Certainly puts a new meaning into being a GREEN building.
Would absolutely love to shoot this building for our DistilEnnui.com studio next time we’re in New York