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happy friday + truck along…



Happy Friday! Today I'm leaving you with a snapshot of my recent farmer's market wild rose bouquet. I love shaped vases because they're so quirky and make even the simplest of flowers look great. Just a reminder that the Four Seasons, Good Reason plates are only available till the end of the month. All proceeds are being donated to Haiti.

Finally, congrats to Stephanie T. of Louisville, Kentucky for being the winner of the Oh Joy/Kate Spade giveaway. Thanks so much to everyone who responded to the survey–your answers were so helpful for us! {And most of you picked lemon yellow as the Oh Joy color! Fun!} Have a great weekend all!

{photo by oh joy, vase by paige russell, striped straws by kikkerland.}


  1. What a relief to see something green and growing rather than white snow! Scrumptious flowers and I cannot wait until spring!
    And can I just say, that after seeing hundreds of blogs in the wedding and entertaining arena, THIS one is a breath of fresh air! Love it all.

  2. Very nice arrangement and very unique keepsake.
    Simply adorable i daresay.
    I too can’t wait for spring to pop!
    I wish spring would come sooner; I miss all the foliage and summer colors that brings life and fun to everyone’s sight.
    The vase gives you a hope that life always goes on. Go broom broom to the power of flower!
    Great use of colors. The touch of green gives more value to the pastel colored flowers in this bouquet.
    Great job !


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