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Food Guides

warm & chile in {san francisco}…



While stopping by the amazing vintage/antique store, The Perish Trust, last weekend in San Francisco, we were told to check out the newly opened Chile Pies & Ice Cream. Opened just last week, the shop is known for their signature Chile Apple Pie. Take the thinnest slices of apples plus sliced green chiles plus a cheddar crust and you get a sweet, spicy, and flaky treat like nothing you've ever had.

Final thoughts…4 out of 5 happy ladies! Apple pie lovers will enjoy the extra punch in this American classic and ice cream lovers will revel in the delicious homemade creamy treats.

{photos by Oh Joy}


  1. I love reading about new varieties of good eats. This one is especially fascinating, what an interesting twist on traditional fare. Keep ’em coming!

  2. honestly, i think that jar of water really rounds out that image. : you can thank me for that impromptu styling! haha.
    dude, that pie WAS good!!

  3. This sounds so good! And thanks for the 101 San Fran list. I am headed up to SF in a couple weeks and it will be fun to visit some of the restaurants on the list! Love our blog!


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