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scenes from our {san francisco} book party…



For those of you who aren't in cities where Meg and I will be having book parties for Creative, Inc., we thought it would be fun to share some photos from the parties so you can celebrate with us whether near or far! With mini cupcakes and champagne cocktails in hand, the book launch got off to great start with a wonderful turnout of over 150 creative and supportive readers! Thanks again to Candystore Collective for hosting, Mission Minis for the cupcakes, Matt Edge for shooting, and to Confetti System for the super fun decor! You can check out more photos from the San Francisco party right here. For those of you in LA, we'll see you tomorrow night!

{photos by Matt Edge}


  1. I’m off looking for your book on my next visit to the book store on Wednesday.
    I just love your website, try not to come to it too much though as I spend HOURS here. 🙂
    And congrats on your book parties. This one looks lovely.


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