The new book Undecorate by DwellStudio Founder & Creative Director, Christiane Lemieux, profiles twenty homes from all over the country, revealing their owners’ love of imperfection and penchant for surprise and unusual juxtapositions while inspiring readers to follow their own whimsy and practicalities in their personal spaces.
For those of you LA, join the ladies of DwellStudio tomorrow night for their book signing at Weego Home {click here for more details} and the tweet up on Wednesday night at 7pm at the Chateau Marmont Hotel bar. Hope to see some of you there! — Joy
{photos above of Erica Tanov's home}
Wish I still lived in SoCal to go to this event! This book is amazing!
Joy- Looks like a book I should read! Wish I could make a party but I’m on the other coast…
I’ll be attending the SF event tonight at the Erica Tanov store. I’m super excited since I worked for Erica for 5 years.
Isn’t Erica’s home beautiful. Her entire home in breathtaking and you should see her hallway – being orange retro wallpaper. It’s amazing!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I had so much fun watching you on Emily’s show!
wow love that wall paper in the bedroom! Absolutely gorgeous!
Can’t make it to the signing but would love to purchase the book.
Let me know where I can get it! Off their website?
Hi Alice,
There is a link on the post if you click on the book titles name 😉
I love, love Dwell Studios!!!
wonderful wallpaper in the first photo!
Oh no! Totally missed the book signing tonight. Will there be copies at the Tweet up tomorrow night at the Chateau?
again (like above)- i love the wallpaper