Wedding in case you feel like dancing… August 18, 2011 …or even if you don't…this montage from The Flash Dance is sure to give you a little extra pep in your step! — Joy
oh my gosh! the scene from mary poppins with the penguins makes me want to go watch it right now! Reply
This is so much fun and made my day so happy–I have to repost and share with friends! Thanks for posting! Reply
The wedding photographers proved their talents their talents by giving pics like this. I love this. Reply
oh my gosh! the scene from mary poppins with the penguins makes me want to go watch it right now!
AHHH so much fun! i love it 🙂 xoxo jillian:: don’t miss my fishs eddy dish giveaway!
This is so fabulous! I have to repost just because it’s amazing!
This is so much fun and made my day so happy–I have to repost and share with friends! Thanks for posting!
Definitely put a smile on my face! Thank you for sharing.
That just made my day!!
second image is very pretty
The wedding photographers proved their talents their talents by giving pics like this. I love this.