Sunshine-y and glam, my dear friend, Kelley of Mrs. Lilien, she lights up a room and the Internet with her way with words and impeccable style. For the last guest post, I asked the Mrs. to concoct a little round-up fit for a Mini Mrs. — Joy
Meet Mini Mrs… an adorable little darling with the fanciest of britches. She may be new—and she may be tiny—but that doesn't exclude her from loving all things shiny! She has an affliction for leopard print booties and those fanciful binkies that she uses as soothies. She's the fiercest little newbie in town. Should you see her strolling around, give a coo…she'll be the one in the snazzy sleeper-gown! — Mrs. Lilien
Pom Pom Hat / Sterling Silver Bubble Blower / Leopard Baby Booties / Beatrice Doll / White Gold + Diamond Paci / Fashion Book / Striped Flannel Baby Dress / Chiffon Shoe Clips
Oh this is just precious!! those leopard booties are adorable! the striped dress is a fashinista-baby’s must-have and of course the chiffon shoe clips a complete necessity for her little stylish wardrobe!!
loved this guest post!!
xoxo, Paula
I love this! Those booties are killer and that binkie is INSANE!!!