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Design Kids

happy friday + a beautiful glow…






As a new mom, I feel like a really appreciate every day a bit more than I used to. Time with my baby, time with my husband, and just time to enjoy the simple moments really have more meaning for me more now than ever. If you haven't yet seen The Glow, the site is a gorgeous depiction of talented, creative mothers and their children. Photographed by Kelly Stuart and written by Violet Gaynor, it's an amazing depiction of the love and bond between kids and their mamas. Have a great weekend all… — Joy

{photos of Zoe, Christiane, and Christina by The Glow}


  1. Ah – nice stuff. It reminds me of the new Storycorps book that came out “All There Is” – just in time for V day. Those stories on NPR always make me cry.


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