{1. heart measuring spoons from Terrain, 2. Antidote red flower + berry chocolate bar, 3. rose syrup from Royal Rose, 4. cheers vase from Uncommon Goods, 5. heart-topped lobster pot pies from Dean & Deluca, 6. diamond ring bottle opener from Fred Flare. — Joanna}
with love…

Oh, these are so sweet! I love the measuring spoons. The heart topped lobster pot pies look delectable.
I need those measuring spoons!
I love all of this stuff!
Super cute measuring spoons! Fun!
Lots of love here!
That diamond bottle open WILL be mine for V-Day! Thanks!
So cute!!! Love them all
Love the top of the pies, so sweet!
Cute measuring spoons!
Love this stuff…
great gifts:) so adorable.
Although I’m not too caught up with the commercialism of Valentine’s Day I do love seeing all the Valentine posts and products. I love the measuring spoons!
Love that ring, very special!
I love your layout design!