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currently snacking on…




While in London, Bri and Jen picked up a bar of Divine Chocolate as a little gift upon their return. They really know me so well. Not only have I been in love with the packaging from afar, but I proceeded to eat this entire bar in no less than 10 seconds. The texture of the chocolate {this one was orange milk chocolate} is insanely good…smooth, rich, and creamy…melt in your mouth good. The brand is Fair Trade and based in the UK, but is available in the US as well…which is exciting {and dangerous} news for me… — Joy

{photos by Oh Joy}


  1. yum! Also so exciting to see mara-mi napkins featured in your posts! I’m a designer at mara-mi and we all get a little giddy when we see them in use!

  2. I’ve found the bars at Cost Plus World Market before, here in SoCal if u don’t want to order online…delicious!

  3. We had a talk at our local WI ( by the chocolatier from Divine. These guys aren’t just fair trade, they’re owned by the farmers cooperative in Ghana. Better yet, a lot of the owners are female. It’s one of the pricier chocolates but paying a bit extra ensures that your money goes to where it can make a difference.


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