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a mix & match dinnerware giveaway…



In my latest Make Someone Happy video, I prepared a dinner for friends and set the table with some of my favorite pieces in various patterns and colors. Well, today, we have a very special giveaway…a full set of the entire scene! That's right, all of the pieces above to make a lovely place setting for four.


That includes 4 mini butter domes by Crate & Barrel, 4 sets of gold flatware from Design Within Reach, 2 pairs of tea towels from Design Within Reach, 4 cups by Ferm Living, 4 dinner plates by Heath Ceramics, salt & pepper shaker set by Jonathan Adler, 4 small fruit bowls by Kate Spade, 4 pastel spoons from Leif, a brass trivet from Muhs Home, 4 glasses from Terrain, 4 place mats from Unison, 4 napkins from Unison, 4 salad plates from West Elm, and 4 confetti system ornaments from West Elm. A total worth $943!

To enter….

… simply repin two of your favorite items from the scene, then leave a comment below telling us who you'd like to invite to dinner if you won this set (could be real or imaginary!). Entries must be posted by this Friday, November 30th at 8am PST*, and one winner will be chosen at random. Good luck! Oh, and you can see the pieces in action right here…


*Sorry, limited to US readers only. Please do not leave your email or web address in the body of the comment, only in the allotted boxes. $943 US approximate total value. Winner will be contacted by email once comments close and announced on the bottom of this post soon after. Good luck!

UPDATE: Congrats to Marlo G. from Austin, TX for being our winner this time!

{Video and still photos by Modshift.}


  1. So people I would like to have to dinner…I think Jonathan Adler, Simon too! What a hoot it would be! And then why not Kate Spade and her hubby? I would love to talk to them about their aesthetic!

  2. So people I would like to have to dinner…I think Jonathan Adler, Simon too! What a hoot it would be! And then why not Kate Spade and her hubby? I would love to talk to them about their aesthetic!

  3. So people I would like to have to dinner…I think Jonathan Adler, Simon too! What a hoot it would be! And then why not Kate Spade and her hubby? I would love to talk to them about their aesthetic!

  4. So people I would like to have to dinner…I think Jonathan Adler, Simon too! What a hoot it would be! And then why not Kate Spade and her hubby? I would love to talk to them about their aesthetic!

  5. So people I would like to have to dinner…I think Jonathan Adler, Simon too! What a hoot it would be! And then why not Kate Spade and her hubby? I would love to talk to them about their aesthetic!

  6. So people I would like to have to dinner…I think Jonathan Adler, Simon too! What a hoot it would be! And then why not Kate Spade and her hubby? I would love to talk to them about their aesthetic!

  7. So people I would like to have to dinner…I think Jonathan Adler, Simon too! What a hoot it would be! And then why not Kate Spade and her hubby? I would love to talk to them about their aesthetic!

  8. So people I would like to have to dinner…I think Jonathan Adler, Simon too! What a hoot it would be! And then why not Kate Spade and her hubby? I would love to talk to them about their aesthetic!

  9. So people I would like to have to dinner…I think Jonathan Adler, Simon too! What a hoot it would be! And then why not Kate Spade and her hubby? I would love to talk to them about their aesthetic!

  10. So people I would like to have to dinner…I think Jonathan Adler, Simon too! What a hoot it would be! And then why not Kate Spade and her hubby? I would love to talk to them about their aesthetic!

  11. If I could invite anyone to a dinner party, I’d have my fabulous Grandma who passed away four years ago, Roald Dahl, Peter Jackson, and my little sister. We’d have a ball together, I think.

  12. We would invite 3 couples to enjoy dinner and continue planning our mid-winter ski trip. 8 adults, 8 boys [ages 6-9], one house. Canada will never be the same! Happy Holidays!

  13. For me it would be my closest friends–we live in different cities–it would be nice to all be in the same place for an evening of great food and company!

  14. I would invite my best girlfriends to all have dinner together. We’re all moving to different parts of the country and it would be lovely to all get together again!

  15. I’m such a dork. I’d want to sit down with Mildmay the Fox from the book Melusine, just so he could tell me stories.

  16. It would be me, my husband, and our two best friends. They always have us over to their house for amazing dinners, so I would finally get to reciprocate! 🙂

  17. I think I’d invite my old college friends who I haven’t seen for a while. May not be as exciting as a famous person, but they’re who I’d love to see! I also know they’d appreciate the beautiful table setting!

  18. I would love to be able to have a dinner party in my tiny little apartment with my three cousins who live in Tennessee- I miss them all the way up here in Boston!

  19. Repinned! I would love to invite over my sister since she lives across the country and hasn’t seen my new apartment yet!

  20. Hmmm. I think I would invite Madeleine L’Engle, Tomie DePaola, and Shel Silverstein to dinner. It would be lively!

  21. Would love to have dinner with Tina Fey and Ina Garten (and re-create that episode of 30 Rock) while my mom and I giggled along.

  22. I think I’d get all of my best friends who live all over the country to dinner. We’d have fun making the meal, drinking wine and laughing about the memories we’ve made!

  23. I would host a mini-college reunion. We all live in different parts of the country and it would be great to get together!

  24. I would invite my 3 best friends from college to dinner (and our spouses if we had 4 more place settings!). We all live in different cities but always pick right back up where we left off when we are together!

  25. Since there are four place settings, it’d be me, Ellen DeGeneres, Amy Poehler and J.K. Rowling. It’d be great.

  26. I would love to have dinner with my Gran again.
    She was an excellent cook and always insisted on having a fully set table – even for a piece of toast.

  27. I would invite my great aunt evelyn, my recently passed grandma and my mom. Four generations of fiesty ladies with a lot of stories to share over a beautiful dinner!

  28. i’d use this next weekend, my friend is flying up for a baby shower and i’d invite her, the guest of honor and her sister over instead of going out to dinner!

  29. I would love to have all my distant family together again like we did when we were kids. So much fun and a lot of laughs!

  30. I would invite my best friend! I haven’t seen her in over 5 years. When we had new families and lived closer together, we had a standing dinner every weekend. We would find fancy, complicated recipes and cook together.

  31. Seriously Joy, I don’t know how you keep coming up with these super-generous and beautiful giveaways! I’d invite my mom, sister, and niece over for tea and brunch! It would be so, so cute to see how my little 3-year-old niece would react to all of those goodies — she loves to play grown-up.

  32. I would like to invite all my friends who’ve moved out of the country for job/personal reasons. Miss them all so much, and online communication is only the barest substitute for seeing them in real life!

  33. I would definitely invite my 3 closest girl friends who live in other states. It would provide the perfect setting for a casual, at-home reunion.

  34. This is such a playful table! At this fabulous dinner of mine I would invite my husband and our good friends and neighbors the Smiths. I love entertaining good friends!

  35. Repinned! As to who I would invite for dinner….definitely all my close friends who are all scattered across the country right now!

  36. I would invite my two wonderful grandmothers, Dolores (who passed away 10 years ago and who I miss so much) and Norma (who just celebrated her 85th birthday in style)–both real ladies who would love these pretty place settings.

  37. I would invite my friend Greta you lives in NY. she doesn’t come often to France so when she is here, I always try to make it special. My man and an other French friend will be also our guests. Love your blog!

  38. Repinned too! I think I would invite the last few college friends left in town, so that we could relive the good old days!

  39. I would invite my three best friends, one from childhood/high school, one from college and one from right now. I would love to have them all in the same place at the same time!

  40. I would invite my sister, mom, and mother-in-law…girls night in 🙂 These place settings are beyond gorgeous.

  41. I’d invite my parents, who live several states away. The dishes remind me of the cobalt blue patterned set we ate on growing up.

  42. I love this!
    I would invite Wes Anderson, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and my husband (by default)! Then I’d get Wes to put Joseph in all his future films so I can love them all the more! <3

  43. Best dinner party ever! My husband just moved from Seattle to San Francisco to be with me. I’d love to fly up a few of his friends to have a super fun dinner party and help him settle in.

  44. Beautiful! I recently moved to NYC, and I would invite my best girlfriends from the West coast to join me in a festive dinner party full of merriment and laughter. xoxo

  45. I would DIE if Anthony Bourdain were a guest with me at dinner. He would have a ton of great stories of his travels, other chefs and most importantly all the delicious food he’s ate over the year.

  46. Amazing giveaway! I would invite my great-grandmother, my grandmother and my mother, to have four generations at one table. I come from a long line of feisty women who are all great cooks – the recipe for a perfect party!

  47. I would invite my cousins and their little one. They’ve treated me to so many nice dinners and always have fun place settings.

  48. Just lovely! I would invite my three closest girlfriends for dinner. We always have the best time together with good food, great company and wonderful ambiance!

  49. I’d invite my sisters. Except I have four, so one would have to sit at the kiddie table with the Ikea kiddie place setting. We’ll rock-paper-scissors for it. Thanks Joy!

  50. This is an adorable table. I would invite the girls over. My sister, friend kim and her sister have all been close friends since junior high.

  51. Ooooohhh! I would invite three of my closest girlfriends over for brunch with french toast, strawberries, real maple syrup, bacon and fresh squeezed orange juice! Specifically for that morning, I would repurpose the salt and pepper shakers for cinnamon and powdered sugar for the french toast! I can smell and taste it all now!

  52. I’d love to invite my best friends from college over for dinner. We all live far apart and I miss them!

  53. If I won, I would definitely invite my three best girlfriends because I know they would appreciate a good table setting. Plus, I know we’d have great conversation. :]

  54. I would invite my mom who passed away 18 years ago and my two bff sisters!!! That would be some dinner party!!!

  55. I would invite Jimmy Fallon, because he has been my crush since I first saw him on SNL in 1998. And I know he loves to eat!

  56. I would love to have all my extended family over for a meal – missing them this holiday season!

  57. Holy smokes – this is the motherlode! I would invite my best friend, and my two sisters, all of whom live across the country and I don’t get to see enough, and all of whom would fully appreciate a beautiful tablesetting like this. We’ll need to add a couple of wine glasses in though, because we would have such a blast together having lunch…and then drinking a little wine :).

  58. My first instinct was to say John Lennon and Yoko Ono, but I think I’d be too nervous! I think my Uncle and Godfather who passed away in 2003 and my entire family so that he could meet all the new babies in our family. Or, in real life two fabulous, older co-workers so they could tell me their stories from the 60s.

  59. I’d invite my family as well as my husband’s family to have a rambuctious, loud and lovely dinner party, complete with dogs and little kids running around!

  60. I would invite my parents (and husband) to thank them for all the wonderful unconditional love and support they continue to share.

  61. Hmmm…Julia and Paul Childs and my husband. I imagine an afternoon of cooking and a raucous evening with scintillating conversation, fabulous food and lots of wine!

  62. Repinned! I would have Anthony Bourdain and a few of my good friends over. He would give us the details on his latest trips, cooking us a meal from one of his favorite travel destinations – which we would serve on my beautiful new table set.

  63. Wow – this is amazing! I would invite my husband and I’s best couple friends, who just had a baby less than a week ago, and deserve to be pampered with a delicious homemade dinner!

  64. With a new year upon us, I’m reminded of those lost this year. I would invite two dear friends who left us this year, Jack and Dan, to dinner with my husband and I.

  65. I would want to share one last meal with my grandmother….and my husband and toddler. I think they would all get along swimmingly.

  66. pinned!!
    i would love to have my long-time friends from around the world join us for dinner, I haven’t seen many of them in several years and I miss spending time with them.

  67. I love the individual butter dishes and the salt & pepper shakers! So adorable! I pinned both to my gift boards. Maybe someone will buy them for me 🙂 If I were to have dinner with this fabulous prize on my table, I would invite my brother and sister-in-law who moved across the country in July. I haven’t seen them since the move and miss them!

  68. I would invite my wonderful sister and her husband over for a nice meal…she would definitely appreciate the beautiful table setting 🙂

  69. I never want to have a complete dinner set…I will buy one or a few of my favorite plates whenever I see them and let my collection grow! I would invite all of my friends who are scattered across the country!

  70. My very best friends Allie and Oliver own and operate an organic farm, so the two of them, serving their yummy food of course! And across the table would be me and my own wonderful Prince Charming….who surely would manifest if this beautiful table setting called for his attendance. 🙂

  71. My dinner party would include all my family from the Philippines. I only get to see them once a year (if I’m lucky!) and it would be amazing to see them for the holidays 🙂

  72. then leave a comment below telling us who you’d like to invite to dinner if you won this set (could be real or imaginary!)
    Oh I’d invite one of my best friends and her husband who just recently got married so we can catch up and ooh and ahh over how cute the table looked!

  73. Beautiful! I love the gold flatware and the striped napkins. I’d invite our neighbors over for a lovely get-to-know-you dinner.

  74. So much fun! I pinned the Galaxy trivet as well as the flatware and if I win I will invite over my girlfriends for lunch. 🙂

  75. love this collection! pinned the confetti ornaments and the gold trivet. I would invite my family over for dinner. they are the ones I love the most and love spending time with!

  76. Repinned! and i LOVE the gold flatware. and as far as dinner guests, i would invite my best friends out on the west coast–being in boston keeps us so far apart and being in grad school makes our too-tight-a-budget so very hard to really see eachother.

  77. Repinned! and i LOVE the gold flatware. and as far as dinner guests, i would invite my best friends out on the west coast–being in boston keeps us so far apart and being in grad school makes our too-tight-a-budget so very hard to really see eachother.

  78. Repinned! and i LOVE the gold flatware. and as far as dinner guests, i would invite my best friends out on the west coast–being in boston keeps us so far apart and being in grad school makes our too-tight-a-budget so very hard to really see eachother.

  79. Repinned! and i LOVE the gold flatware. and as far as dinner guests, i would invite my best friends out on the west coast–being in boston keeps us so far apart and being in grad school makes our too-tight-a-budget so very hard to really see eachother.

  80. Repinned! and i LOVE the gold flatware. and as far as dinner guests, i would invite my best friends out on the west coast–being in boston keeps us so far apart and being in grad school makes our too-tight-a-budget so very hard to really see eachother.

  81. Repinned! and i LOVE the gold flatware. and as far as dinner guests, i would invite my best friends out on the west coast–being in boston keeps us so far apart and being in grad school makes our too-tight-a-budget so very hard to really see eachother.

  82. Repinned! and i LOVE the gold flatware. and as far as dinner guests, i would invite my best friends out on the west coast–being in boston keeps us so far apart and being in grad school makes our too-tight-a-budget so very hard to really see eachother.

  83. Repinned! and i LOVE the gold flatware. and as far as dinner guests, i would invite my best friends out on the west coast–being in boston keeps us so far apart and being in grad school makes our too-tight-a-budget so very hard to really see eachother.

  84. Repinned! and i LOVE the gold flatware. and as far as dinner guests, i would invite my best friends out on the west coast–being in boston keeps us so far apart and being in grad school makes our too-tight-a-budget so very hard to really see eachother.

  85. Repinned! and i LOVE the gold flatware. and as far as dinner guests, i would invite my best friends out on the west coast–being in boston keeps us so far apart and being in grad school makes our too-tight-a-budget so very hard to really see eachother.

  86. Would love to treat my grandma to dinner. My son is named after my grandpa whom we lost a couple years ago… so we try to spend as much time with my grandma as possible.

  87. With an ocean separating us, I’d have my parents over for dinner. This time I’d be the one cooking…perhaps I’d surprise them with my evolving culinary skills!

  88. I love this colorful and fun table setting! It makes me so happy, just like two dear friends of mine who have recently had some difficult times. It’s been far too long since we shared a meal, so I would joyfully invite Amy and Scott to join my husband and I for a beautiful meal!

  89. With this beautiful table setting in mind, I would invite my mother. She is the one who sparked the creativity inside of me. For that I am forever grateful. However, I wouldn’t mind getting to know Sufjan Stevens a little better!

  90. I would invite my two sisters and mother to a ladies dinner. They live far away and I’d be delighted to serve a simple homemade meal that would bring us all together again.

  91. I’d invite my son and daughter-in-law, because they live too far away, and I miss them! (Then I’d give them the entire set as a gift, wow, would they love this!!)

  92. I’d invite Brad and Robin to have dinner with me and Matt. They are friends in Chicago that we don’t get to see enough!

  93. I would love to have my parents over for a special dinner. I’ve been living in the city now for five years and until recently, my mom has been physically unable to climb the stairs to my walk-up. I’m an only child and I know my parents miss having me around, just as much as I miss them. It would be so special to have a holiday dinner with them and my boyfriend at my apartment so I could show them that I never moved away- my home is also their home.

  94. i would have my closest girlfriends over for a brunch full of laughter and fun. love this giveaway! thanks

  95. That gold flatware just kills me! I would invite my closest friends and mentors. Wouldn’t it be a dream to have everyone in one place!?

  96. What a sweet idea! Personally, I’d like to have dinner with my husband’s late grandparents – excellent cooks and even better people. I unfortunately only had one chance to meet them and a dinner with them would mean the world to me.

  97. We have a group of good friends we regularly have dinner parties with and they’d be first line as guests! … would probably need more setting but I definitely wouldn’t mind stocking up.

  98. I would like to invite Jacques Cousteau and Liam Neeson and my brother, because he is obsessed with his movies.

  99. I would set the table for a high tea with my British Canadian grandmother who taught me the importance of a proper cup of tea, along with my partner and his grandma. We would ave a lovely time with scones and devonshire cream to boot!

  100. I would bring Emily Henderson! I think she must be my design soulmate (really, I can’t design anything to save my life, but every single thing she posts or styles brings a legit tear to my eye). 😉
    And I repinned! The brass trivet and the gold silverware. Thanks so much, Joy!

  101. I would love to have dinner with a few bloggers I have admired for a long time: Garance Dore, Jeana Sohn, and Jenny Gordy. I’d love to pick their brains for a few hours over a good meal.

  102. wow! this is great!!!! i would invite our friends maggie and charlie to have dinner in my NEW kitchen with my husband and i! 🙂

  103. I would invite my awesome best friend (whose pregnant with her 3rd) and her hubby and their two boistrous kids. Love them so much – i stalk them on facebook.

  104. Such a festive table! We’d have to set up a recurring supper club so we could enjoy the company of all our friends and family throughout the year.

  105. I would invite my best girlfriends over who love to enjoy good food. We would chat up a storm eating dinner and then relax into the living room for some holiday movie watching. So fun!

  106. I think Design Within’s gold flatware would pair delightfully with Ferm Living’s cups at my dinner party where my entire family, who is living in Portugal, would be enjoying delicious food alongside Martha Stewart and Aran Goyoaga!!

  107. I would like to invite my grandparents, who passed away, to meet my new husband. I’m sure they would get along just great and it would be a lovely evening!

  108. My grandmother passed away a few years ago. I was out of town and never saw her again. the idea of having her for dinner now that i have my own house and family is so beautiful that i get a teary eye. so that’s that. i’d love to have grandma for dinner anytime of the year.

  109. I would invite my recently deceased Grandfather and have him share more stories about living in New York City during the 1930’s. To hear his disbelief that Queens is no longer farmland or insist what shops are on certain cross streets. I’d love to see the city through his stories one more time.

  110. this is an awesome giveaway! i would love to get all of my best girlfriends together for a fancy dinner.

  111. Anyone in the whole world, real or imaginary, huh? How about my fiance, my cat Moxie, Han Solo, Professor Snape, and David Bowie. Oh, and Christopher Walken. duh.

  112. How beautiful and generous! I know it’s not very creative, but I would surely invite my best friends, scattered about the country — in New Orleans, Chicago, NYC, and San Francisco — to a dinner dinner party with me in Milwaukee. Oh what I would give!

  113. what a beautiful setting! I would invite my three closest girlfriends. It is rare we are all in the same place at the same time!

  114. If I won these lovely place-settings, I’d love to have my sisters over for dinner (because we live on opposite sides of the country and get to be together so rarely) with lots of catching-up, gossiping, and pie.

  115. Repinned! I would have multiple dinner parties (maybe one for every day of the week!), so that I can have an intimate, delicious meal with each of my closest friends!

  116. I would have to dinner my grandmother, her doppleganger Phyllis Diller, Amy Pohler, and Neil Patrick Harris! I could imagine nothing more entertaining 🙂

  117. I would invite my parents and sister; three important people in my life who I haven’t seen in a year! All I want for Christmas- is family!

  118. I think a fun conversation about romantic comedies would do this beautiful table setting justice. I would invite Jane Austen, Nora Ephron, and Mindy Kaling!

  119. With pretty dishes like this I would invite my scattered dearest girlfriends–they’re in Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Georgia. They don’t all know each other, but I’d love for them to!

  120. I would invite my sisters who lives in CA, PA and NYC. Chat and eat all night long and each go home with one set from the setting.

  121. This giveaway is funny; I AM having friends round to dinner and on the closing date of the giveaway, November 30th! (That’s my birthday). So I think I’d keep to that nice close group of girls who are also my real-life invites, but I’d maybe bring my boyfriend along too (he can’t make it because he lives 400 miles away, boo!)

  122. I would invite my best friend Laura because although she lives only 10 miles away, I rarely see her. When you live in Los Angeles and one of you lives on the Westside and one of you lives in Silverlake, you might both as well live on other sides of the country. I would also invite my friend Desiree and my friend Taymar because they’re pretty funny. I would also invite Armie Hammer because he’s pretty good looking. Maybe he could come in character as my husband Christian Grey and then after my guests leave he can tie me up with the tea napkins I pinned. Rawr!

  123. I would invite some close girl friends over and send my husband and the baby out for dinner. It’s been a while since we’ve had one of our girls only dinner parties!

  124. I would invite my grandma – she always loved getting together with family and always appreciated good style 🙂 Plus, I miss her a lot this time of year and would love to just sit down with her one more time and talk about nothing and everything.

  125. In the past three years I’ve lived in three cities pretty far apart, so I would bring three others who live in different cities: my brother, my best friend, and my closest guy friend who’s a Ranger serving in Afghanistan right now.
    P.S. I fell in love with DWR’s gold flatware months ago, and ogle it regularly 🙂

  126. What beautiful colors! My guest list would include my favorite bloggers, Heather and Jessica, along with Tom and Lorenzo for a catty and hilarious evening.

  127. I’d most definitely have my dear husband at the table and my sister and her husband. She loves a beautifully designed dinner table!

  128. I would love to entertain my brother-in-law and his wife. They have shown us such great hospitality over Thanksgiving, and I would love to treat them to a great meal with a great place setting!

  129. I would definitely invite my grandmother and her adorable boyfriend. They are always a blast and would absolutely love this entire set-up! And of course the cocktails that my boyfriend makes 🙂

  130. I’d invite all my friends from different parts of my life who don’t know each other, so that everyone could meet and finally put faces with names.

  131. Such an amazing giveaway!! I repinned the fabulous gold Design Within Reach flatware and the quirky and fun Jonathan Adler Salt & Pepper shakers. If I was having a dinner party for four, I would take a hint from Joy’s Make Someone Happy video and invite my three best girlfriends, Jo, Aubyn and Lucy. There’s nothing better than being able to do something nice and fun for your friends. <3

  132. I would invite my two sisters who seem so far away this year. It would be a celebration of new beginnings for all of us.

  133. I would love to have my two best friends from high school and my sister who lives across the pond. I don’t get to see any of them enough!

  134. i love this! i would like to invite the phoenix suns basketball team over for dinner to make my new husband extremely happy!

  135. love this table set up!! i’d invite my best girlfriends from california, new york, and hong kong together for a much needed dinner party 🙂

  136. My sister and my best friend are the two more generous entertainers that I know. They’re always welcoming any/everyone into their beautiful homes and creating such warm/friendly parties full of good food wacky times. I’d love to properly return the favor with a well-dressed table like this!

  137. With a dinner for four… I would want my husband, my brother (currently in Madagascar), and my college roommate.
    And this is an awesome giveaway. Thanks!

  138. I would invite my parents – traveling across the country for dinner would be worth it if you knew you got to use those salt and pepper shakers, right?

  139. For my imaginary dinner party I would invite: Dolly Parton, my deceased grandmothers Maura and Dorothy (who loved wearing sparkly sweaters to a dinner party), My grandfather John (Who went blind late in life, but still had a photo of Dolly Parton pinned to his office wall. Hubba Hubba) and my daughters Abby and Bella who would definitely get a kick out of the gathering!

  140. Every year my boyfriend and I do a dinner for our parents. I’m not the best at table settings. This would make it special and easy for me! A table already prepared! (I repinned almost everything.. In love with the gold silverware!)

  141. If I won these pretty goodies, I’d invite my best friend Kristen over for brunch. She lives a few hours away and we hardly get to see each other. It would be wonderful to have a nice quiet meal together and catch up.

  142. My grandma…she passed away 11 years ago, when I was 16, and I’d love to fill her in on all that’s been happening! beautiful setting.

  143. I’d invite my best friend and our two young daughters to this beautiful table…well, maybe in a few years when the little girls can appreciate it. Fun!

  144. I’d invite my three best girlfriends. We now live all over the country (South Carolina, North Carolina, DC, and Portland), and don’t get to see each other near as often as I’d like.
    Beautiful table set! I fell in love with it when I saw the video a few weeks ago.

  145. I wish my husband and I could have dinner with his mom and his brother who were killed last year, today is his brothers birthday. I would love to sit with them again, two very incredible people!

  146. Wow, how beautiful! My husband and I would invite our lovely newlywed best friends from LA to visit us in Boston for a fabulous dinner party.

  147. love this table set up!! i’d invite my best girlfriends from california, new york, and hong kong together for a much needed dinner party 🙂

  148. I would invite Jonathan Adler and Simon Doonan! We would talk about the latest shopping trends and just have a wonderful conversation about life in general.

  149. i would invite my husband and sister and brother in law who live far away. it’s been over a year since i’ve seen them and it’s breaking my heart. a fun, colorful dinner would be a blast with them!

  150. I’d love to have dinner with my great grandmother when she was my age. She pioneered for women’s rights and she kept her family and friends alive during the Great Depression by hunting rabbits and making rabbit stew.

  151. Ahh this is amazing! I have been debating whether or not to buy those S&P shakers! I would invite my three cousins- we’re all really close in age and think of each other as sisters, but right now we’re spread among three different countries and four different time zones. It would be lovely to see their real-faces (as opposed to Skype-faces).

  152. if i could invite anyone to dinner to use this set, i would have to invite my mother’s three best friends, all of whom passed away. i’d give up my place at the table so she could enjoy herself. she says those three friends were “the salt of the earth” and i’d love for her to get another opportunity to spend time with them.

  153. I would have dinner with my best friends from graphic design school. I can’t think of anyone else who would appreciate the aesthetics as much, and we have so much catching up to do.

  154. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I would invite my two best friends, who both live in different states, that I haven’t seen in months. I miss them soooo much.

  155. I would have to invite Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle. She needs a break from all that excellent clear-starching!

  156. I would love to invite Giada De Laurentiis and my Mom as we both share a love for her cooking and style. What fun to sit around this beautiful table and talk food and our Italian heritage.

  157. I would love to entertain my grandparents who are too elderly to travel to our new apartment. They would love the whimsy and artistic touches of the place settings!

  158. repinned! I would invite my three best friends who all live in different cities to join me for a pop up party outside in the park to use the new settings

  159. Every week, my husband and I try to rally a group of friends that have stayed local. We cook and eat and talk and sometimes even pull out the board games. It’s all so fun and fairly informal (we only have two dining chair for our small table, so things get creative), but it would be so fun to “dress it up” one night. I love the warmth of the yellow sailor napkins paired with the gold flatware. See my pins here and

  160. This is so amazing! I repinned two of my favorites 🙂
    and I would like to invite my parents, my sister family and my brother family since they all live in Japan and I don’t get to see them often. They would love these settings!!

  161. I am dying over that gold flatware! I would invite my three roommates from college and they would know immediately that I didn’t pull this tablescape off on my own.

  162. Such a beautiful set up! I would invite Lady Gaga (I’m a total Little Monster, and I would love her to make me some pasta!) and my friend and food blogging partner Rae, as she would love all of the pieces, and is also a Little Monster 🙂 Thanks!

  163. Fantasy guests? Tina Fey. Or Mindy Kaling. Or both. Real guests? Some of my lovely friends who live halfway across the country.

  164. Gorgeous. I would invite some close friends who are scattered around the country and make a yummy brunch!

  165. I daydream of being able to eat dinner at this table with my dad, who passed away a few years ago, my step mom, my husband and our son. What a happy giveaway : )

  166. I would love to have Haruki Murakami over for dinner. He is an amazing writer and one of my favorites. I guess I would also have to invite a Japanese translator as well. 🙂

  167. My standard wish list dinner guest is the Dalai Lama, but for this setting… I would invite someone more fun, but still dead since this anything is possible. I am going to invite Theodor Geisel.

  168. My husband (of course) and our two best friends who moved back to Norway…and all our kids, but they can sit somewhere else.

  169. I would love to get all my college roommates together for dinner! We all live so far from each other now that we never are able to all be in the same place at the same time.

  170. I would invite my three best lady friends over for a dinner party/movie night and let our partners spend the evening babysitting!

  171. Such an amazing giveaway!
    My dinner guest would be my dad, who passed away three years ago, my best friend who lives in New York and my wonderful husband!

  172. What an amazing giveaway! Best one I’ve seen so far 🙂
    I’d LOVE to invite my three best friends, they introduced me to my boyfriend NOW fiance! (one of them a fabric designer also introduced me to UNISON!) and we now live in 4 different countries, Panama, El Salvador, USA and Puerto Rico we try very hard every year to see each other every year and still haven’t missed in 5 years… I can already imagine having the best chat ever along with a great homemade lunch over this beautiful dinnerware!

  173. I’d invite my mother for her first dinner in my new house. Hmm. – I think I’ll do that any way. <3

  174. I’d love to be able to invite Tom Hanks to dinner … he’s always been my favorite actor and seems like such a good natured person.

  175. this is a teensy bit embarrassing when i say it out loud but i’d serve a double date dinner with penelope cruz and javier bardem (and my wonderful boyfriend!) penelope seems like such a fantastic woman and behaves like the perfect role model. her and javier seem to make such a lovely couple (their baby leo can join too!)

  176. My mom’s birthday is around the corner so this is perfect for our annual lunch with her, her BFF, my sister and I. Fingers crossed 🙂

  177. I’d love to sit at a colorfully set table to dine with Bunbury, from “The Importance of Being Earnest”. Since he is doubly fictitious, I am sure he would have very interesting tales to tell.

  178. My mom’s birthday is around the corner so this is perfect for our annual lunch with her, her BFF, my sister and I. Fingers crossed 🙂

  179. I would invite my and my husband’s best friends who are scattered around the country. They are more than our friends-they are our family, and we miss them everyday.

  180. how fun! if it was an imaginary/dream dinner, i would invite tina fey, jane goodall, and beyonce to join me. if it was a real-life dinner, i’d invite our favorite couple friends that live far far away for a long, relaxed meal with lots and lots of wine.
    thanks for such an awesome giveaway! and i’m loving these “make someone happy” videos/projects! so sweet!

  181. I would invite my Mom and siblings. I would be excited to actually be able to sit down together and eat together at such a pretty table.

  182. I would invite all my favorite bloggers to dinner and pick their brains about how they got where they are today!

  183. I love all of the details of this fun and eclectic table setting. If hosting a dinner party and using all of this, I would invite three of my best girlfriends: Casey, Holly and Kristen.

  184. This is so sweet and whimsical. The hodge podge makes me think of Molly Weasly – she would love this set! That’s who I would invite. 🙂

  185. I would invite my parents, who live across the country, to join me for dinner and with the lovely things I repinned, it would surely add to the festive atmosphere!

  186. i commented above, but also wanted to mention i repinned my favorite items as well! the trivet and the flatware!

  187. I would invite all my college friends. We live all over the US so it would be so fun to have everyone in one place.

  188. The table setting is absolutely gorgeous! I would love to share it with my husband and our friends, Josh and Terra!

  189. What a great giveaway — I just pinned those Confetti System ornaments and the gorgeous trivet. Who could resist?
    I know that it’s a bit lame, but I’d love to have my brother and sister-in-law come to have dinner with us at our home. My family lives far apart and we don’t get to have nearly enough quiet dinners for eating, drinking and laughing too much.

  190. I’d love to have dinner with my high school art teacher. She was one of the most inspirational people in my life and we have a lot of catching up to do!

  191. I’d love to invite my mom and mother-in-law to dinner with my husband and me. They both passed from cancer before we met. I’ve always wondered what it would’ve been like for them to be around. I’m sure it’d be quite a party!

  192. I’d invite my parents & siblings who live across the country. I’d love to be able to see them this holiday season!

  193. I would invite my entire extended family (which would require 50+ more table settings). I rarely get to see all of them, and lots of family members still haven’t met my two sons. After all, what’s better than eating the best food with your favorite people?!

  194. Hard to choose a favorite, everything works so well together. If I had to choose two items, it would be the brass trivet and the gold flatware. I would invite my best friend and her husband over for such a festive soiree!

  195. Love the video. Here’s who I would invite to dinner:
    Father in-law – he passed before I met my now husband
    Ellen Degeneres
    Gwyneth Paltrow
    Bob Marley
    Alfred Hitchcock
    Steve Jobs
    quite the eclectic group…

  196. With a table setting this lovely I’d host a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents & sister – she lives out of state and wasn’t able to join us this year (and was hugely missed)!

  197. With a table setting this lovely I’d host a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents & sister – she lives out of state and wasn’t able to join us this year (and was hugely missed)!

  198. With a table setting this lovely I’d host a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents & sister – she lives out of state and wasn’t able to join us this year (and was hugely missed)!

  199. With a table setting this lovely I’d host a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents & sister – she lives out of state and wasn’t able to join us this year (and was hugely missed)!

  200. With a table setting this lovely I’d host a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents & sister – she lives out of state and wasn’t able to join us this year (and was hugely missed)!

  201. With a table setting this lovely I’d host a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents & sister – she lives out of state and wasn’t able to join us this year (and was hugely missed)!

  202. With a table setting this lovely I’d host a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents & sister – she lives out of state and wasn’t able to join us this year (and was hugely missed)!

  203. With a table setting this lovely I’d host a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents & sister – she lives out of state and wasn’t able to join us this year (and was hugely missed)!

  204. With a table setting this lovely I’d host a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents & sister – she lives out of state and wasn’t able to join us this year (and was hugely missed)!

  205. With a table setting this lovely I’d host a belated Thanksgiving dinner with my parents & sister – she lives out of state and wasn’t able to join us this year (and was hugely missed)!

  206. My husband and I would invite our friends April and Tuan over for dinner. They cooked last time so we owe them a great meal. And they would definitely appreciate the place settings!

  207. I would have to invite my three dearest friends who I do not get to see nearly enough to a lovely brunch for four! What a lovely place setting!

  208. First of all, LOVE these place settings. I would invite three of my best girl friends from college. We haven’t been all together in years and now we’re scattered all over the globe! Miss them.

  209. The Terrain glasses make my heart go pitter patter! I’d love to invite my grandmothers (one who passed away and one who is still living but in not so great health) to dinner. Both were fabulous cooks and hostesses in their time and I’d love to ask them questions about traditional foods that no one in our family knows how to cook anymore.

  210. If I won this gorgeous set I would invite a few of my favorite bloggers of course Joy, Miss James of Bleubird, and Naomi of Rockstar Diaries to pick your creative minds!

  211. I’d like to invite and have all of my favorite bloggers for dinner. It would be nice to have a meet and greet with the people that inspire me.

  212. Hi Joy! What a cute table you put together! For my dream dinner party I think I’d love to invite Wes Anderson because everything he makes is so magical, Sofia Coppola because she is just so classy and chic and blogger Susie Bubble because she’s adorable, worldly and smart.

  213. My dinner party would be an all-gal affair for sure. I’d invite some of my favorite ladies to ever walk the earth: Dorothy Parker, because she’d have us in stitches; Cleopatra, who needs no explanation; Hillary Clinton, because I’m sure she’d love to pick Cleo’s brain, and Marie Antionette would bring the cake. Girlfriend doesn’t skimp.

  214. What a lovely table! I would invite my three best friends and we would laugh and have a wonderful time.

  215. I am currently looking for my first apartment by myself. I would love to have a beautiful table settings to invite over my two best friends who have been so supportive of my big move. I would love to treat them to a meal especially in a setting that looks so good!

  216. If I could invite anyone over to dinner, I would have to say Sheryl Sandburg, the First Lady, and Hillary Clinton. They are all powerhouses whose brains about life, work, being a mom, etc I would love to pick.

  217. I would invite my girlfriends. They would love this presentation and might think that I actually cooked the dinner we’ll be having 🙂

  218. I would invite my best friend from college, who lives in California, and her new boyfriend (who I haven’t met yet since they live so far away) over for a double date night with me and my boyfriend! I wish that actually could happen since I’ve been dying to meet him and this lovely table would make a great first impression 🙂

  219. I would say kermit and miss piggy – my girls love! them and I think it would be great to hear what they had to say:)

  220. I’d want to have my Mom and my Grandmother over for dinner – they have fed me my whole life, so I’d love to make dinner for them in style.

  221. I’d love to have my sister and her best friend over. As a new mom, she hardly ever gets the chance to relax and have grownup fun time. And maybe I’d let the little nieces join us as well 🙂

  222. I would invite my two grandmothers who passed away on the same day in 2009, Vivien Leigh because she is heavenly and so I could pick the mind of such a complicated person (as I am one myself), my mother because she would like to see her mother again, Harry Styles because it’s an imaginary dinner party and I can, my little sister Brenna so that she can meet Harry Styles, and Henry Cavill because he is delicious. Oh, and Lawrence Olivier so that he can keep Viv’s attention away from Henry… I don’t need that kind of impossible competition.

  223. Since I live in Texas, and my family lives in Illinois. I would love to invite my two sisters and my mother! I miss them and would love to catch up with them over a dinner.

  224. I loved this video and I love this giveaway! Real life, I’d invite my friends who live abroad. Imaginary, I’d invite my mother and grandmothers when they were my age!

  225. This giveaway is just incredible! I would love to invite over my lovely bridesmaids to celebrate all the help they’ve been so far in planning my wedding! This table set is perfect for a fun lunch/gab session.

  226. If I could fly eveyone in from their respective corners of the country, I would be so lucky to have my parents and brother to dinner!

  227. My sisters. I think if I had an oh-so lovely table setting like this, I would have to find a way to fly my sisters from Canada to California to share in this colorful setting.

  228. I’d invite my best friend and her husband who live 3 hours away in my hometown. we so rarely get to visit because the few times we go “home”, we’re spending time with my family.

  229. I would definitely invite my in laws over for dinner to show them I am a good wife and not making their son starve! This beautiful set up would only help in doing this. ; )

  230. I would love to host my mom, who taught me how to be a great hostess, and my two twin sisters for a ladies’ brunch – the best meal of the day!

  231. I would love to have my best friend who lives in another state now, my best friend who happens to be my husband, and our “best man” over for dinner. Love all of these items, and the mix so much!

  232. I would invite my friend and college roommate to dinner – she just had a baby and her husband was deployed shortly after. If anyone needs an extra pair of arms and a home-cooked meal it’s her!

  233. I would invite my sisters. We don’t get to see each other often, but when we do it’s as if no time has passed.

  234. I would invite my two very best friends who live oversea and enjoy a delicious meal + drinks together!

  235. I love the salt and pepper shakers! Who am I kidding; I love it all! I pinned the darling little shakers, though, along with the tea towels. I would definitely use all of the above if I could have dinner with Bill Murray. The decor probably isn’t his taste, but maybe he’ll grow to love it as much as I do.

  236. I’d do a girl’s night dinner and invite over a few friends! I love cooking for people and taking the time to just sit around and catch up with the ladies. We’d probably share a couple bottles of wine and spend the night making each other laugh!

  237. I would invite my sweet little girl to her second birthday party. The place setting is perfect for a happy event!

  238. I would invite my sister and bro-in-law (to eat with my husband and me) because they’ve never seen our place! I especially love those JA salt & pepper shakers.

  239. If it could be anyone living or dead, I’d invite my grandma. She would have been very impressed and amused by gold flatware.

  240. My roommates just got engaged, so I would love to use this colorful table set to host a double date dinner with them and my boyfriend to celebrate their engagement!

  241. Who wouldn’t want to have dinner with Deb Perelman from smitten kitchen? Not only would she be able to help cook (maybe something from her new, amazing cookbook), but I have a feeling that we’d share quite a few giggle too.

  242. I would invite my parents and sister who currently live in a different country. We’d catch up, tell old stories, probably sheds some tears out of happiness as well as laugh ALOT! It would be lovely to spend a dinner together.

  243. I would invite my sister’s, Amelia Earhart, Maya Angelou, recently departed Bryce Courtenay and Jane Goodall

  244. My family is coming to California from the East Coast this year. It will be the first time in MANY years that we’re all together. I’d love to set our table with these lovely items. And since I could invite anyone … Ryan Gosling, dinner at my place on 12/24?

  245. I love the yellow striped napkins and the gold silverware (never seen silverware like that!)
    and i’d invite my parents – they’re be happy to see me using table ware that isn’t from college 🙂

  246. A dinner with Clotilde of Chocolate & Zucchini will be fabulous – and I get to practice French :)!

  247. I would invite my college roommates over for a night of much reminiscing, eating and drinking. And if they couldn’t make it, then Mindy Kaling and Tina Fey. 🙂

  248. So many people I would love to have dinner with, but ultimately I would invite my best friend and her boyfriend to have dinner with my boyfriend and I. I know that would be a great night.

  249. I would have to invite all my close girlfriends that got married recently and moved far far away! Michelle in NYC is very fond of polka dots, Minhee in Kansas City and my beautiful sister. I would be sure to get add some wine cups to let the spirits & conversation flow! And once these ladies start having children, I would add a smaller set for the kiddos!

  250. I would invite my lifelong friend Katelyn who lives far away and my other best friend from growing up, Megan. We haven’t had a reunion in years!

  251. I’d cook a lovely meal for my grandparents and have all the conversations I was too young to have with them when they were alive.

  252. Realistically, I would have my brother, his wife and puppies over for dinner. In my dream world, it would just be me and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. But don’t tell my husband that…

  253. If I had this table setting, my husband and I would invite one of our dearest “couple friends” who recently moved to our city from far away! We would probably make wild mushroom risotto, and since dinner wouldn’t be ready when they arrived (it never is), we would all take turns stirring and sipping wine!

  254. So many of our friends live so far away. I’d like to invite good friends who we don’t see nearly often enough.

  255. I really think all the pieces are so beautiful! Now that I live an ocean away in Hawaii, I’d love to sit down with my family back in California that I miss so much.

  256. I’d invite my 4 sisters, though I’m sure that would mean I’d get an extra plastic-ware setting since I’m the youngest!
    Love that golden brassy cutlery and the trivet!

  257. a table of dreams
    it warms me so
    i can’t resist
    a spotted bowl
    stripes and dots
    and golden spoons
    confetti and heath
    they make me swoon
    who to invite
    only those who
    fill the air with laughter
    and love too

  258. i would invite my dear far away friends, whitney and edi. they have always cooked for me and i would be so happy to treat them to a beautiful meal!

  259. Dinner with my momma would be perfect! She’s in a very different time zone, so meals haven’t coordinated for awhile now!

  260. I repinned! I think I would invite my great grandparents who I never met, and ask them about their lives 🙂

  261. I would have a dinner with all my girl friends from college. We are all scattered around the country so getting together for a great dinner would be such a dream!

  262. I would have dinner (in our teeny tiny apartment) with dear friends from out of town. There would be wine and good food!

  263. Pinned, what a cute scene. It’s so cheerful. 🙂 I would like dinner to be my Papa and Grammy and my husband. I really wanted them to be able to meet him before they passed.

  264. i just got married earlier this month so i suppose i’d have to invite my husband and i would want to treat the other four people without whom our wedding would not have happened — my business partner, karen, who is the everything looked exactly as i imagined it, my mother & my father who so generously foot the bill and took in all my craziness without a single complaint, and my best friend since seventh grade, bethany, who gracefully lead me through every step of the planning and day of happenings.

  265. such a killer giveaway. i wouldn’t mind winning! 😉
    i’d love to invite my parents over for dinner this holiday season.
    thanks for the chance to win, joy!

  266. I would invite my husband (obviously) + our dear friend who’s going through a bitter divorce all alone in another country + Aziz Ansari, whose sense of humor and stories about his globetrotting dining adventures would no-doubt help to cheer that friend up.

  267. I would invite all my friends who live in other cities since its so hard to see them since we are separated by far distances.

  268. I would invite my two sets of grandparents to dinner if I could, all of whom have passed away. I would love to have a meal with them and learn more about their lives.

  269. i hope to have many happy gatherings in my future home… i would invite my nearest and dearest friends and family members to enjoy a special evening with me. 🙂

  270. I’d definitely invite my best friend across the country, who turned me on to this blog, and since I can invite anyone I want, I would invite David Foster Wallace, Borges, and Scarlett Thomas (three of my favorite writers, two of whom are deceased, and all of whom would be incredible talking about books together).

  271. I would invite my mother, father, and grandmother… all of whom are only a few hundred miles away, but I only get to see a few times a year.

  272. I would invite my sister and her new husband! They live so far away and we never get to have dinner together as often as I’d like.

  273. these are such beautiful pieces! I would invite my sister Jessica and my cousin Liz and my friend Jen–all of whom live too far away for regular gatherings–for a special dinner party.

  274. I would love to have Julia Child over to dinner. I would also invite Maira Kalman over for dinner. They both seem like they’d be such fun to eat with. I would love for Maira to doodle a picture for me on a napkin, too! 🙂

  275. I’d invite Oprah to dinner…her and you of course 😉 you could start a post called Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner and it could be you going to folks’ places and sprucing the place up with your ideas. I dig.

  276. I would invite my mom and my fiance’s mom to dinner with us. They’re always cooking for other people, this would be a well-deserved treat for them.

  277. I would invite my closest friends and family that live far away since I don’t get to see them as often as I would like.

  278. I’d invite all my friends that have moved across the country or overseas for a nice dinner together!

  279. I would host a brunch for all the senses with females that have had an an impact on my life…Maya Angelou (listen to her poems), Ellen DeGeneres (touch of comedy), Georgia O’Keefe (sight of artwork), Ella Fitzgerald (her beautiful voice), Julia Child (her french cooking smells), and my beautiful Mother who introduced me to these women when I was young.

  280. I would love to win this to decorate my table and have my parents and my boyfriend’s parents over for a first-time meet and greet! This would be a wonderful conversation starter and a great first-impression dinner for me!! This is awesome, thanks so much!

  281. Beautiful! I’d love to have by boyfriend and his parents for dinner – what a treat. This setting is so lovely and whimsical.

  282. Well, the obvious answer is Jesus, but I’m not sure I’m ready for that, so… Taylor Hanson #MmmBop

  283. Would invite my sister and mom. We are all spread out in 3 different bordering states of the US and it would be oh so very nice to sit down to this table! (sister – virginia, mom- california, and myself massachusetts!) 🙂

  284. I would invite:
    Zooey Deschanel – I love her style and cool vibe (also think she would really appreciate the lovely spread!)
    Garance Dore – I think she would have so many interesting and cute things to say.
    John Hamm – He doesn’t have to say anything. hahaha I would just stare at him.
    ; )

  285. I would invite my 3 best girlfriends who live in different cities. We’d reminisce about the sweet, hilarious and silly moments we’ve shared throughout our friendship.

  286. I repinned!
    I would invite two raw food celebrities that have changed my life: Kristina Bucaram and Paul Reese. These settings remind me of them.

  287. What a nice and exciting give a way! Thank you! Hmm~ I think I’d like to invite the do-gooders in the community over for a nice hot meal and thank them for all the wonderful work they are doing! The volunteer who spends times playing and taking care of shelter animals, a young person who reads to kids and serves as a mentor and the food bank worker!

  288. I would surely invite my beautiful sister, brother-in-law and adorable 1 year old nephew. Like many others, we live on opposite sides of the country, and a dinner party with them, and with such lovely wares, would be an absolute dream!

  289. My family is close, but scattered around the world. I’d love to get everyone together for dinner just once!

  290. I’d invite my friend Lynn over to dinner-she’s far away and we could both use an excuse to visit!

  291. I would invite my older sister and brother to dinner. They live in Colorado and meals shared with them are better than anything. Thank you so much for this gorgeous giveaway. I have been eyeing gold flatware for three months now and only waiting to have a home/registry to get them. Thank you Joy, Jenna!

  292. I would love to have an evening with the late Nora Ephron, Rupaul, my bestie, and I! We’d talk about the T over tea all night.

  293. I would invite my girl friends from the Fab4 (what we refer to ourselves as) and eat drink and be merry.

  294. Love love LOVE this set up! It’s so cute and whimsical, and makes me want to dine with Wes Anderson and Zooey Deschanel!

  295. I repinned! I would like to have George Strait over for a fun country-themed holiday dinner, completed with chicken fried steak, mashers, fried okra, and sweet tea!

  296. Oh goodness… If I could invite any guests of my choice… it would have to be my lovely grandpa who passed away several years ago & my sweet grandma with my husband and I.

  297. What a great giveaway. I’d invite my grandparents who passed away years ago to meet my boyfriend. I think they’d love each other!

  298. I would love to invite my late grandparents to meet my boyfriend. I think they’d all get along so well!

  299. I’d invite all 7(!) of my siblings because they’re my favorite people and it’s way too rare that we’re together

  300. I’d love to have my fiance who passed away before we were married sit down for dinner with the man I married three years later. I know they’d get along well and I love them both so so much!

  301. I would sit down to dinner with my late and lovely Grammy, Claire, and she would meet my beau (and hopefully approve!) and taste my cooking for the first time ever. And after dinner we would watch old movies like Roman Holiday, and I’d get to hear her say, “for cryin’ out loud!” at least once. And her spotty-striped ceramic roosters, who came to live on my windowsill after she passed, would sit vigil, like they do at all my dinners when she’s not there.
    (Thank you for the excuse to conjure up a moment of Grammy-ness on an otherwise unremarkable Tuesday!)

  302. What a fantastic giveaway! I would invite my college girlfriends to dinner — we all deserve a time together to wine and dine 🙂

  303. I would invite my mother, sister, my boyfriend’s mother, and his grandmother to dinner so that they could all meet for the first time and meet my nephews.

  304. I would love to have a dinner to bring my friends from all over together for a nice night in.

  305. I’d love to have my three best friends from college to dinner – it’s so hard to get together after graduation!

  306. I would have the most amazing dinner party with Martha Stewart, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Bob Dylan. True, this crew would be hard to impress but the conversation would be fascinating!

  307. Beautiful! I would have my fiance’, bill murray, amy poehler, my brother, and my sister. hilarity would ensue!

  308. I would have 3good friends over for dinner and and an evening of friendship and laughter. Jeanne

  309. I would serve a delicious dinner to some good friends and we would all enjoy an evening of friendship and laughter. Jeanne

  310. I’m in love with your “Make Someone Happy” series. Just watching them makes me happy! I’d love a dinner with my “girls.” Somehow we’ve ended up spread all over the country. I’d cook up a big bowl of spaghetti carbonara and they’d bring some wine (just like in the old days when we lived in LA together), and we’d talk and laugh and have an amazing time together. Just thinking about it makes me smile.

  311. my boyfriend and i have been dating for over 4 years, and our parents have not met yet. i would set an extravagant scene like this to let them finally meet.

  312. repinned! I would host a dinner party and invite Anthony Bourdain (to discuss food and travel; plus my husband adores him) and Nancy Silverton (to discuss all things baking!). The evening would be filled with good food, great wine, and incredible company.

  313. What a fabulous give-a-way! I would invite my grandmother and sister down from New England, for a New Years’ celebratory dinner 🙂

  314. I would invite my husbands cousin and his wife (and of course my husband). I love our double dates, but they just had their first baby, so those may become far and few between for the next little while. They are such a precious family!

  315. I’d invite my dear friend from college who moved back to Japan as its been years since I’ve seen her!

  316. Re-pinned the gold flatware and the West Elm pottery. I’d invite all my closest friends and family – we moved away from our hometown about two years ago and i’d love to have everyone i love in the same room (stylishly serving them, of course)

  317. My dream dinner party would include Jonathan Adler, Cortney & Robert Novogratz, Emily Henderson, Anthony Bourdain and my lovely hubby! Of course I’d have a dinner party playlist with Billie Holiday, Astrud Gilberto & Pink Martini. I adore a pretty table setting.

  318. I remember when I saw the butter domes in the video, I thought they were the most genius idea ever for a party favor! I started searching for them instantly! I had no idea they were butter domes… but the cutest one at that 🙂
    My second favorite would have to be the striped napkins! They seriously bright up any kitchen table.
    This is an amazing giveaway. Thanks Joy!

  319. repinned!
    i would love to invite my 3 close girlfriends. we’ve all been in separate parts of the country the past semester and i think a cute dinner part like this would be the best way to reunite!

  320. No way! Please pick me! I’m a little homesick now and missing my besties, so if I could invite anyone for dinner, it would have to be my amazing girlfriends.

  321. I would invite my brother-in-law and his wife to have dinner with me and my husband. We see them all the time but not nearly enough when it’s just the four of us!

  322. Four place settings.. just enough for my soulmates and myself. When we actually find ourselves in the same place, a rarity these days, we always enjoy making a delicious dinner and chatting over good food and good wine for hours.

  323. I would use them to host a lovely dinner party when my Mom and Dad come in from Chicago to visit my husband and I in our new Brooklyn apartment! Wonderful giveaway 🙂

  324. If I had this beautifully set table I would love to sit down the with three women that have been most inspirational to me… Lucille Ball, Audrey Hepburn and Kate Spade. We would have a blast!

  325. My grandma! She lives across the country and can’t travel anymore. I grew up with her Hungarian cooking, and she still occasionally walks me through her goulash, kolache and paprikash recipes over the phone when I get stuck. I’d love to invite her to a beautiful dinner and show her how I’ve mastered our family traditions and will help pass them on. 🙂

  326. I would love to invite both my sisters who live fairly far, but i’d love to make everyday an occasion to get together…

  327. this is insane! i can not imagine a more amazing set up. so fantastic. I would invite my best friend and her husband who dont get to see near enough bc they live three hours away. she would be so excited!

  328. I’d invite my mother. If only to share her company and hug her one more time. I miss her so much.

  329. I love the idea of hosting a dinner party for loved ones and with the Holiday season upon us I’m feeling rather nostalgic so I would invite people who have shaped my life but that I didn’t really know: my grandmother Mary Lois (passed away a month before I was born), Christine Young, and Tanja Peterson. All very strong and inspiring women who I would love to be more like! What a great giveaway!

  330. Love, love, love this set. I’d invite my friend and her mother over – they just found out that a family member has Stage 4 pancreatic cancer and they could use something pretty to brighten their day.

  331. My best gals live too many miles away… This darling table would be the perfect setting for us to get together, share stories and laughs, and “sprinkle” our mom-to-be with love!

  332. I would invite my mother, and my mother-in-law, my two saviors since having my first little one 5 months ago. I would love to send my husband off on a playdate with my son, and make a special lunch just for the girls to thank them or being so wonderful!

  333. Would love to have dinner with my hubby and his 2 grandfathers who he was never able to meet but that his dear grandmas still adore 30 years later.

  334. Not only would a dinner with Amy Sedaris be fitting because of the colorful and mismatched dinnerware you’re giving away, but she’s the one spunky cookie I feel I would instantly be friends with (if only she gave me a chance). I imagine us sitting next to each other and seeing who makes the better Jerry Blank impression and chatting funky arts & crafts.

  335. Who would I invite? I would have to have a whole magical imaginary dinner party with all my favorite characters… Elizabeth Bennet, Bilbo Baggins, Hermione Granger, and lastly Sherlock Holmes..

  336. I would invite charles and ray eames and my boyfriend. but…if that can’t happen i’d invite my sister, my cousin, and my bestfriend for a weekend brunch.

  337. So pretty! I’d invite my closest friend Candace and her sweet new bf to join my husband and I for dinner.

  338. I tried to verge into the imaginary folks I could invite and spent half an hour trying to one up every idea I came up with. My sisters should have been the obvious choice in the first place.

  339. I’d invite all of my closest friends to dinner since we all live in different states now! Nothing is better than a dinner with your best friends 🙂 I’d love to use gold flatware and these adorable place settings! I repinned 2 things onto my Pinterest board and my username is c.elizabeth0/Courtney Elizabeth!

  340. I’d definitely invite my dear grandma, and then I’d proceed to bombard her with questions about her childhood in Argentina that I never got to ask her 🙂

  341. I would invite my parents, brother and aunt and uncle over for dinner. I know it seems crazy and I see them pretty much once a week but they have done so much for me and a nice dinner would be a great way to show my love and appreciation for them.

  342. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I would invite my brother and sister-in-law, who are always such generous hosts to others.

  343. Fabulous! I’d have my five nieces over for a little soiree. I hate that I don’t get to spend quality time with them all and a dinner set like this would make the event extra special!

  344. Lena Dunham, Zooey Deschanel, and Jennifer Lawrence. They all seem awesome and hilarious and I bet we would have a ball!

  345. I’m a fledgling screenwriter, so I’d invite Mindy Kaling and John Cho — then I would convince them to be in the movie I’m writing!

  346. Since having our twin girls, my husband and I haven’t really had a nice quiet meal together in awhile. I’d want that for us!

  347. My best friends from college (both of whom live in different states than I) – it’s been too long since the three of us sat down to dinner together!

  348. I would invite my old roommate and best friend Emily. I haven’t seen her in so long, I would love to have a nice meal with her. She is the sort of lady that would appreciate a nice set of dishes like this. 🙂

  349. I would invite my former housemates who are now spread all over the country and who I miss dearly every day. Imagine a beautiful reunion, four best friends (now in South Africa, England, Virginia, & California) who make each other happy, and this great set bringing everyone together again.

  350. I’d finally have my parents over for dinner — like I’ve been promising for months now…

  351. This would be so so pretty in my tiny apartment! I would invite my boyfriend’s mom, she would be so impressed!

  352. What a beautiful spread!
    I would have to say I would invite my brothers. I’ve been missing them lots lately. They always make even the simplest moments into events to remember.

  353. Thanks for the giveaway! I repinned two images from the giveaway! If I could invite people to a dinner party, it would be my sister, my boyfriend, my best friends, some professors of mine from undergrad and veterinary school, and…some authors and artists I love. The list goes on and on!

  354. My husband and I would have a lovely dinner with Prince William and Princess Kate, savoring homemade risotto, mulled wine and intriguing conversation.

  355. Repinned 🙂 I would love to invite my boyfriend who is thousands of miles away and our precious grandmothers because we miss them so much.
    Love your blog, btw!

  356. I’d fly my parents over from Taiwan and invite them to dinner! I bet they’d be impressed with the cute table setting. They won’t even notice my burnt food 🙂

  357. Love this table set up. So pretty! I would invite my sister because she would also love this design. And I miss her very much.

  358. I would invite my daughter over with table set and then tell her it was all her’s for her new home.

  359. I would love to have Lisa Hannigan over dinner … he last album has gotten me through the winter blues and I love her writing . I think we would just get along great.

  360. Repinned! I’ve been on an Austen kick lately, so I would invite Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy. Also on the list would be my paternal grandparents; my grandfather who passed away before I was born, and my grandmother who passed away when I was just 3-4 yrs old.

  361. I would invite the mothers of the Marines in my husband’s company that did not make it home from this last deployment to Afghanistan. It would be an honor to share a meal with them.

  362. What a beautiful dinner setting! I would invite over some of my best friends and have a delicious dinner party.

  363. I would invite my Great-Grandmother, Grandmother, and Mother – this just seems like the kind of setting where four generations of daughters could have a great time together.

  364. So darling! I would want to invite my grandmother, great grand mother and great great grandmother . . . we all share the same name and I would love to sit down and chat with all of them over such a lovely table.

  365. I pinned that flatware before I even saw the giveaway. So gorgeous.
    I know I should invite some famous historical folks to dinner just to pepper them with questions, but I would have a better time with my college roommates (who now live all over the country). Good conversation with friends always makes the meal!

  366. I would love to host a lovely dinner for my favorite girlfriends. All of them have kids, except for me, so girl time is always special.

  367. how i love dinner parties…..for a cozy dinner of four, my perfect evening would be my sweet husband, my lovely best girl mrs. p and her beau. she’s my favorite person to be around. so sad they live so far.

  368. I would invite Ira Glass, David Sedaris, Hillary Clinton and Leslie Gore.
    I love everything about this set!!

  369. If I could invite anyone, I would invite my parents to come over for dinner. I’m currently in graduate school and hosted my parents at my apartment for the first time ever last Thanksgiving. Even though my place was small and the dinnerware was all mismatched, it was such a great feeling to give them back a little for all they have done for me. Though it would be fantastic to have some ‘grown up’ dinnerware, all you really need is good food and good company.

  370. I would invite my old RA friends from college to catch up and laugh and to marvel at how “grown up we are.”

  371. i would invite my best girlfriends over. we do girls night dinners every other week and rotate who hosts. so much fun!

  372. For my imaginary dinner party I would invite Tina Fey, Amy Pohler and my best friend. It would be the best night ever and so lovely with that place setting.

  373. Reading previous comments, best friends far away would be wonderful to have to dinner. I would treasure the chance to have one last proper meal with my Mother in law.
    What my family would really love, is dinner with the Duck Dynasty brothers, Willie and Jase, and we would have to break the rule of tow by inviting along Uncle Sy.

  374. I would invite my brother and sister-in-law to have dinner with my husband and myself. We just don’t see them as much as we’d like since we’ve had kids. We love them.

  375. I would invite my great grandmother, my grandmother, and my mother. All together around the table, we would be unstoppable.

  376. What a great giveaway! I’d invite my husband’s grandparents, because I was never able to meet them and he speaks so lovingly of them.

  377. I would invite my closest friends along with Amy Poehler, Alan Rickman, and Joyce Carol Oates. I think it would be the dinner party of the century!

  378. Repinned. =) I would invite my brother Maleakhi & his wife Merryl and their two daughters Madeleine & Matilda. Since I’ve moved to Indonesia, I’ve been missing them so much (they’re in LA). Joy, thank you for all your bright updates. I’m so inspired!

  379. I’d love to invite my grandparents who I rarely get to see. They are my favorite people, it’s too bad they live so far away! Thanks for the lovely chance to win, x.

  380. The perfect dinner for four would be my father, mother, sister and me. Now that I’ve moved to the West Coast and they are all still back East, sitting down to dinner with just the four of us is a rare experience worthy of celebration!

  381. I would invite my friend Max, because he loves cooking for friends and my new friends Emily and Molly because they love doing all the themed things I think of!

  382. Such an amazing giveaway!!! This table setting is beyond gorgeous. I would love to invite a group of my good friends from grad school who are all scattered across the US. It would be a dinner to remember.

  383. I would invite my parents and two sisters. I don’t know where I would be without them and can’t think of enough ways to thank them for being a part of my life.

  384. I would invite my best friend who moved to New Zealand a few years ago and Robert Smith from The Cure. We could revert to our high school selves while eating delicious food!

  385. If I could have anyone to dinner I would invite my 3 best friends I’ve known for 15 years (over half of my young life!) Jesus or deceased Grama Mabel would no doubt be lovely… but really- who doesn’t love a good meal with closest friends? My pin choices: the neon tea towels and confettisystem ornament! xo

  386. I would invite my best friend over for one last night together before my big move to the bay. It’ll be fun to reminisce about the past and make plans for the future.

  387. I would like to have dinner with my niece Abigail and my nephew Noah who live across the country in Miami and who I dearly love as my own.

  388. I would invite a coworker who just lost their spouse. It’s hard to eat alone in the house when your beloved dies.

  389. I’d invite my best friends who are all over California. We never get to celebrate birthdays together, but a special brunch would make up for it 🙂

  390. With this cute whimsical set-up, I would love to invite a few of my close family members for a casual, but fun brunch get together.

  391. If I could, I’d like to have my two grandmothers, who are not with me any more, so I could share with them the happiness of being pregnant for the first time.

  392. My husband, daughter,her imaginary friend and I could enjoy a delicious meal together on the beautiful setting.

  393. I would invite my sweet parents who do so much for me and my fabulous grandmother as well. I live far away from them now and would love to just sit and enjoy a meal with the three of them.

  394. My husband! We’re overdue for a fancy candlelit dinner at home for two!
    (Sorry if this is a repeat! I got an error message and am trying again!)

  395. I would love to invite Eudora Welty to dinner. I love listening to her recordings, and storytelling. She had a sense of humor that was very similar to my grandma’s, and she was so intelligent. I’ve love to just sit and listen to her talk.
    I pinned the salt and pepper shakers (too cute!) and the butter dishes. I love the idea of butter dishes; I don’t know why!
    Thank you for the chance to win!

  396. I would invite my best friend and her husband to have dinner with me and my husband because they are hundreds of miles away and just had the most precious baby boy! Thanks Joy!

  397. Ah, the siren and sailor shakers! Be still my heart. Speaking of hearts, I would love to invite my dear aunt Jan along with Annie and Nancy Wilson of Heart to enjoy a meal with this setting. Jan just sent me a care package with Heart’s new biography and I would love to sit down with them and chat about it!

  398. I would have my mother in law over, who passed away before I met my husband, and my older brother whom I havent seen in nearly seven years, and has never met my husband or his neices.

  399. I would invite my friends over for dinner. Getting together to share a meal is one of my favorite things to do with them!

  400. Repinned, and now I am dreaming of hosting a dinner with my parents and sister. Now that we are both out of college and out of the house, it is rare to get the four of us together for a meal.
    Thank you for the opportunity,

  401. I would invite my best friend kathy and her hubby. I don’t get to see them very often and would love to share a dinner with them 🙂 catching up!!!

  402. this giveaway is insane! what a great idea. as for who i would invite over if i were to win these pieces, probably invite ina garten and jeffrey. and hopefully she would help cook.
    love your blog and your pinterest, joy! xx

  403. I’d love to have my sister and two of our favorite politicians/role models over for dinner- Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton.

  404. I would definitely invite Bill Murray and Howard Stern to my dinner party, I am a huge fan of both for similar reasons. The dinner would be filled with a smart/dry New York humor that would keep me laughing through the night!

  405. I would invite my parents and sister who live away for dinner- people I love and miss together

  406. I would invite my mom, my brother, and my best friend to dinner because I moved to a new state a few months ago and they still haven’t come to visit!

  407. Lovely! I’d invite my old college roommates. It’s been too long since we’ve all sat down together, and a mixey-matchey set like this would show how far we’ve come! 🙂

  408. My sister and her boyfriend… they are too far away and I’d love to be able to have dinner with them (and maybe a babysitter for our kids?).

  409. I’d invite my best girlfriends over! Something magical happens when we all get together and catch up and there is never enough time anymore since everyone’s schedules are so busy.

  410. I’d invite the A-girls: Alicia, Anne, and Audrey. Great new friends who appreciate the sparkle!

  411. I would invite my Memere, who passed away 5 years ago; my Pepere, because he would be so happy to see Memere again; Bruce Springsteen; my husband (even though he doesn’t need an invitation to have dinner at our house!).

  412. The person I would want to have dinner with would be my dad & my son, Ezra who is 8 months old. My dad has been gone for almost 10 years and I have so much I would like to tell him…

  413. The person I would want to have dinner with would be my dad & my son, Ezra who is 8 months old. My dad has been gone for almost 10 years and I have so much I would like to tell him…

  414. The person I would want to have dinner with would be my dad & my son, Ezra who is 8 months old. My dad has been gone for almost 10 years and I have so much I would like to tell him…

  415. The person I would want to have dinner with would be my dad & my son, Ezra who is 8 months old. My dad has been gone for almost 10 years and I have so much I would like to tell him…

  416. The person I would want to have dinner with would be my dad & my son, Ezra who is 8 months old. My dad has been gone for almost 10 years and I have so much I would like to tell him…

  417. The person I would want to have dinner with would be my dad & my son, Ezra who is 8 months old. My dad has been gone for almost 10 years and I have so much I would like to tell him…

  418. The person I would want to have dinner with would be my dad & my son, Ezra who is 8 months old. My dad has been gone for almost 10 years and I have so much I would like to tell him…

  419. The person I would want to have dinner with would be my dad & my son, Ezra who is 8 months old. My dad has been gone for almost 10 years and I have so much I would like to tell him…

  420. The person I would want to have dinner with would be my dad & my son, Ezra who is 8 months old. My dad has been gone for almost 10 years and I have so much I would like to tell him…

  421. The person I would want to have dinner with would be my dad & my son, Ezra who is 8 months old. My dad has been gone for almost 10 years and I have so much I would like to tell him…

  422. I would invite my late 17 year old nephew and his parents and brother, then I’d leave them to have one last meal together. Sure wish it was possible.

  423. After 10 years of campaigning, my parents just moved to my hometown. So my mom would make the list. My best friend since I was 7 married my husband’s brother (aweesome!) and is only 3 hours away. She’d have to come. And at this rate, can’t leave out the mother-in-law. Family bonding? Could be fun, especially over a table setting that makes my heart race.

  424. I’d invite My best friend and my husband’s best friend – our 7-month-old son’s godparents – who both live far away and who we have the best time with!

  425. I’d invite my friend Tricia who checked on our apartment and picked up mail while we were away for Thanksgiving. I came home to a cleaner apartment (she was like a magical cleaning fairy!) with our fridge stocked with milk and a couple essentials for our little tot. So thankful for her and would love to have her over for a special dinner to say thanks (and I’d also like to gift her some of these cool finds if I won.)

  426. I would have a mini engagement part with my cousin, Bobby, his Fiancee, Maria, and my boyfriend, Ben.

  427. I repinned the the butter dishes and the napkins. I would love to have this spread for a simple dinner and girls night in.

  428. I would invite my dear friend and her husband who live several states away. Beautiful tablescape!

  429. I would invite my girlfriends that I’ve not seen in so long and have not seen my new apt. I miss entertaining and what a darling way to show off a new apt with a darling dinner party! xo

  430. I would like to invite my family over for dinner. This table setting is perfect. The west elm’s plates are so pretty. These are all my favorite stores and I would love to win this giveaway, would be perfect for christmas 🙂 Thank you joy!!!

  431. i would invite my future husband’s parents, who are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary this month. i’m so thankful they are in my life – they made me believe in true, everlasting love.

  432. I would invite my parents over to meet their brand new grandson over a very special meal. Thank you for the inspiring giveaway!

  433. I would make an amazing meal for my mom right before she starts chemo and loses her appetite for the next year.

  434. I would like to have my biological mother and father to dinner. I am adopted and I don’t know who they are and I would like to.

  435. Repinned! This is so, so great! I would probably invite my mom (who died of cancer 10 years ago) and make her a delicious curry and a chocolate cake. She could meet my husband and her grandson who turns 9 months tomorrow 🙂

  436. I would invite my closest girlfriends for one last amazing meal, preferably prepared by Dan Barber (Blue Hill Stonebarns!) before I move to Hungary for 3 years! All of my favorites at one table…

  437. I would invite my sisters and my best friends who live far away. I would also love to invite Joy the Baker and Tracey from Shutterbean, because I’m all about their podcast right now. I would invite Ira Glass from This American Life. I guess I just really love podcasts. And Tina Fey and Caitlin Moran. Hilarious, outspoken feminists are my jam and I do Liz Lemon quotes throughout my dinner parties anyway.

  438. I’d like to invite my cousin Ashley who lives in Chicago now and absolutely LOVES this style. She is opening a school there and working her buns off to get everything started. She deserves a dinner like this when she visits for Christmas!

  439. In the true spirit of Christmas, I would invite Mr. Scrooge and Tiny Tim to dinner with my husband and I. How could you be a scrooge after sitting at a fun table like this?? Merry Christmas, and fingers crossed. 🙂

  440. I would love to use this tablesetting for an afternoon tea with my mom, my grandmother and my sister — three generations of women in our family. We’re spread across the country right now and so it’s a rare occurrence, but this beautiful tablesetting would set the tone for such a special occassion.

  441. What a fun table to share with friends and family! I’d love to have dinner with my grandparents who passed away before I was born. They were such amazing, fun, and loving people and it would be great to hear some of their stories first hand 🙂

  442. Absolutely stunning table! I would invite my in-laws over for dinner… they recently moved closer to help with our son and it’s been such a blessing!

  443. I would invite all my family from California; I just moved across the country to South Carolina and am beginning to get more homesick as the holidays approach.

  444. What a lovely dinner setting! In an imaginary world I would invite my dear kitty Flora who died suddenly earlier this year. My husband and I didn’t get enough time with her and she loved to watch us cook dinner and sit and eat with us at dinner time! What a treat that would be!

  445. I would invite my family and my mother-in-law. They’ve been so selfless and extremely generous to us. Plus, my mama is all about the details when it comes to entertaining guests, so this set-up is perfect!

  446. My guests of choice would be my sister and parents–they’re so dear to me but it’s a rare occurrence for all of us to be together.

  447. That is a gorgeous table. I would invite Katherine Hepburn, my mom, and my dad. Just the four of us in a cozy family dinner! Isn’t Kate family for everyone? Maybe Mark Twain could come too, for balance.

  448. This is the happiest little place setting!If I were to have a little dinner party for 4 I would have to invite my sister and her husband, I just don’t seem to get enough sister time lately so it would be great to catch up!

  449. I’d invite my 3 former roomies to dinner. We had such sweet times together and have since moved on to bigger and better things, but everyone will be in town this December and it would be so fun to get together! Thanks for the fun giveaway.

  450. I would definitely invite my best girl friends over for a fun, and well deserved dinner and wine party after a long week of work!

  451. I would invite all of my daughter’s preschool teachers. They left such a mark on our lives and especially in my daughter’s heart-she is now in kindergarten. I have been meaning to have them over for a reunion dinner since September.

  452. Repined 2! I think that I would invite my younger sister and one of my husband’s coworkers over for dinner- they are two people who would really appreciate the gorgeousness of it all!

  453. I would invite my parents, my sister, my boyfriend, and all of my friends who appreciate a well designed and well decorated table!

  454. Oh I simply love this table design! And I repinned the flatware and tea towels. If I had a dinner party, I would fast-forward to whenever it is that my husband and I have two children, and have a lovely family dinner. Maybe it is one of our birthdays, or maybe it’s a no-reason special occasion. 😉

  455. Wow, how wonderful. I would love to have lunch with my Grandma who passed away 10 years ago and Grandpa who is now 90, along with my husband and me. <3

  456. I would invite my sister and this coworker that I have been scheming to set her up with! My boyfriend and I have been waiting for the perfect occasion to spring the surprise set up!

  457. Oh Joy? .. Oh Wow! I would invite my gorgeous, flirty, fun best friend from Australia & then have each of us bring a surprise guest. I know it would make for an amazing night full of laughs and great conversation!

  458. Such a whimsical setting– I especially love the gold utensils and the sailor & siren shakers! As to who I would invite? Well… maybe my parents and my boyfriend, since they haven’t met yet! It might be awkward and tense, but at least the setting would be lovely!

  459. I would invite Amy Poehler and Tina Fey and Rashida Jones to dinner. Would that not be the funniest night ever? In the real world, I would have dinner with my family. ‘Cause we love each other so 🙂

  460. Ive promised 4 friends that I would host a potluck and this amazing set would be the most amazing incentive to host it right now!!

  461. I love everything in this selection, so hard to choose two favorites. In terms of my dinner party – I would invite my two oldest friends – who now live around the globe, and my two favorite Austinites who I don’t see as often as I would like.

  462. I would invite whichever of our friends that would be willing to make dinner for us and bring it over 🙂

  463. i would invite all my close friends and family to dinner, and maybe Tim Gunn because you know he would have good stories to tell.

  464. I moved to LA from NYC a year ago and miss my 3 best friends terribly. Would be awesome to have a week-long sleepover and a week’s worth of meals with all this fun stuff!

  465. i would invite my good girl friends i met while living abroad–we all live on different continents (UK, Australia, Singapore) and have not been together for a meal and proper catch up in over ten years. thank goodness for social media keeping us connected on the regular, though.

  466. With such a fine table setting I think I would like to invite Jane Austen and Cormac McCarthy to dinner. I would love to here their stories over a fine meal. My hubby and I could listen to such opposites discuss literature for a very long time!

  467. I would invite my college roommates. We always get together with our kids ( which can be crazy), so this would be an evening just for the girls!

  468. Oh boy! What a great giveaway…. I’m swooning over that gold flatware!
    If I could invite anyone? I’d invite my husband (natch), George Harrison and John Lennon. Better go brush up on my vegetarian bangers and mash recipe 🙂

  469. Honestly, I’d really just love to have a nice dinner with my family. Our crazy schedules + differing food preferences make family dinners a rare occasion.

  470. I would invite David Sedaris to have dinner with my sister and I. I’m fascinated by his stories, and I would want to tell him about my equally weird family. It would be hilarious, I’m sure.

  471. I would invite my college besties to this pretty table. We’d drink wine and chat all night like good friends do when they don’t get to see each other as much as we’d like.

  472. I would invite my best friends who just had their second baby girl to an evening of grown up fanciness and festivities. I love and miss them dearly and they would appreciate the gorgeous place settings!

  473. This little vid makes me happy! I’d invite my 3 besties who live in NYC (a little bittersweet for me b/c I’m a Cali girl now). Sigh. <3

  474. I think i want this more than i have ever wanted anything! I
    would invite Bill Cosby to dinner. He has long been a hero of mine. And judging by his sweaters,he would appreciate the colorful styles and patterns of this table.

  475. I’d love to have my parents and my brother and his wife. I know that is more than two, but family is the best company!

  476. We are remodeling our kitchen. To celebrate the finished project in my dream world…I would invite to dinner my grandmother because she is an encyclopedia of information and likes to laugh. The Obamas because they are fascinating and my mom to help cook!

  477. I would definitely throw a little get together for my closest girlfriends. Dinner parties are the best!

  478. I would throw a dinner party to celebrate the engagement of my roommate. She has dated her fiance for 4 years and they were engaged on Thanksgiving day. I would invite our 2 other roommates and all of our boyfriends to celebrate.

  479. If I could have a fancy little dinner party with anyone, it would be my sister who lives all the way across the country from me.

  480. I would invite my closest girlfriends in NYC over for dinner – they don’t really know each other that well but I think that they would all love the chance to connect over a great meal, and it would be so great to see my “urban family” around the table!

  481. I’ll invite my grandmother, since she’s never seen my apartment before and since her tablescapes at holiday family parties were the first i was ever inspired by. 🙂

  482. I would invite Shakira because she seems very sweet and down to earth, Oprah for interesting conversation and David Bromstad so he could give me suggestions on how to decorate my home :]

  483. i would invite my family – mom, dad, sister – for a nice winter meal – i imagine fresh warm bread to go with the individual butter domes : )

  484. I woud invite my grandmom who passed away about 5 years ago. I recently got engaged to my boyfriend of 8 years, and she was super old fashioned, so having a meal with her and sharing my news would be a delight.

  485. I would love to invite my best friends from NH and my sister in Denver over to dinner at my house in Chicago. We always have lots of fun together, and I do not see nearly enough of them!