The other day as I was putting away Ruby's old clothes, I came across some of the old shoes she's outgrown. I had to share this sight with you as my ovaries literally just jumped out of my body…
{Photos by Oh Joy. Shoes are (smallest to biggest):tiny gold shoes by Filament, Saltwater sandals, Pons sandals, boots from Tip Toey Joey. }
Look at all of Ruby’s gold shoes. So sweet!
adorable..just a reminder at how quickly children grow 🙂
So adorable! The tiny ones are the cutest little things, also this makes such a lovely photo!
ahhhh adorable!!
adorable. i’m having so much fun dressing up my own little one now 🙂
TOO sweet. she’s growing right up 🙂
Ahh!! Style from day one!
Cute 🙂 And this rug… !
aww that is so darling! potential print idea? 😉
i just went through all of william’s clothes to see what to give to baby #2 (any day now!). so so tiny!
this is precious. makes me a little sad, too! my little one is just 6 weeks…not even wearing shoes! it’s hard to imagine he’ll ever be big enough to need them 😉 xo rachel @ gramercy
everytime charley gets a new pair of shoes i cry. every.time.
So sweet…I love that they’re all gold too.
Hard to believe how quickly it goes, doesn’t it?
That last sentence just made me laugh so hard!
I have the hardest time giving away the things that represent the little years. It is so fast! Books are a big one too. Oh and tiny dresses. Gulp. A friend of mine made a quilt out of iconic little outfits and shirts her daughter wore and one for her older boy made from all the school t-shirts throughout his elementary school years. A great heirloom idea!
yes! 😉
You dressed her so well. So what do you do with her clothes after she out grows them? I don’t mind hand me downs!! Unless you are going for another girl! Ruby can use a sibling 🙂
there’s something about tiny baby shoes that just make me squeal with delight. I love rubies collection of growing gold kicks!
So pretty! Sweet & sad all at the same time!
Somebody likes gold! So cute, I can’t stand it! xox
Shoes are are absolutely gorgeous/adorable! At that age they’ll need new shoes every five minutes mind!
AWWWWW…Baby shoes get me every time. The cutest!
I was thinking the same thing! How horrible! Let’s sub in “figuratively” and just smile at the adorableness.
What adorable gold shoes. So tiny. So chic that well, I’m almost coveting them. Ha!
It’s soo cute and lovely…
Love this so much! How did you get Filament to ship to US?
Hi Irina,
I bought them on a site called Smallable which ships to the US! 😉