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Journal Kids

conversations about babies…

Oh Joy and Ruby

Oh Joy and Ruby

With less than nine weeks to go, we've had our fair share of conversing with Ruby about her baby sister-in-the-making. Here are just a few of my favorite things she's said or asked about the baby lately…

"My favorite ice cream is chocolate, and the baby's favorite ice cream is ga-nilla."

"Mama, how's the baby doing today? Is she ready to come out yet?"

"Hi baby! When you come out, I'm going to carry you on my shoulders!"

"Mama, your boobies got SO big!"

"Babies get milk from mommies. And kids get fresh cold milk from cows."

And probably my favorite…

Ruby: "Who's that baby's daddy?"
Me: "I think the baby has the same daddy as you!"
Ruby: "Noooo, her daddy is a potato!"

{Photo by Oh Bob. My dress by Sonnet James, vest by Madewell, necklace by Emily Green. Ruby's shirt by Whistle & Flute, shorts by House of Mia, necklace by Coral & Cloud.}


  1. Never can tell what they will say! That is the wonderful thing about children. I hope you are enjoying these last few days! I just had a new little niece born last night – Patricia Arline. She is also the little sister to a big sister.
    Sending love your way!
    xo Rachel

  2. Ruby is just the cutest!
    My 3 year old daughter Lola says her favourite flavour of ice cream is “banilla”!
    Speaking of which, I was looking at that Whistle & Flute tank last night for her upcoming ice cream themed birthday party. Did you find it locally or just order it through their Canadian store? It’s such an adorable top 🙂

  3. I’m don’t have any children, but your posts about talking to Ruby about where babies come from and the things she says about the baby are my absolute favorite! “Who’s that baby’s daddy?”–so funny. 🙂

  4. Hahahaha fresh cold milk from cows!
    And lol about boobies, I couldn’t tell at all when my mom was pregnant with my little brother, no matter how many times she tried to show me her belly. I was a very absent-minded kid. I do remember asking my mom to open her mouth so that I can look inside her belly, ‘ cause obvi that’s how the human body works!

  5. These are hilarious! Kids truly say the funniest things ever (one of the greatest perks of being a teacher!). 🙂
    p.s. I totally had to follow your husband on Instagram because his photos/videos of Ruby are way too cute!


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