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“pablo picasso liked to make things blue”

Oh Joy / Ruby

Oh Joy / Ruby

Three is kind of a magical age to me. My three-year-old can say so much, recall things I didn't even know she heard, yet also drive me insane with tantrums that come out of nowhere or insisting she do things herself even when she doesn't know how. I try and take a deep breath and remember the funny things she says that make me forget all about my less-than-patient moments. Here are some interesting things Ruby has been saying lately…

"Pablo Picasso liked to make things blue." (I think she learned that from this book.)

"Do little boys have little penises and big boys have big penises?" (Um, where do I start with that answer?)

"No pictures please!" (…as she waves her hands in front of her face with a smirk.)

"Daddy, you look hancy!" (I think she means handsome + fancy.)

"I want to have some nuts. Can I eat acorns like squirrels?"

In the middle of something very ordinary like taking a bath or going grocery shopping…
"Mama…I love you." (That one never gets old)

Oh, and she's teaching me Mandarin and Spanish!

P.S. I snapped this blurry photo with my phone the other morning as I was attempting to get Ruby dressed for school. She was running around in her PJ's insisting that she needed to wear multiple things on her head before she could get dressed. And yes, our bed frame is still wrapped in plastic because I can't decide what to get, hence I decided to just let it sit there on the floor.


  1. Ruby is so cute. I can’t believe some of the things she says; too funny. Luckily for us, Annabelle never threw a tantrum, not once. Miracle child there, we didnt chance it by having more. However, we just got an-almost-3-month English Bulldog which I am sure will be testing that. 🙂

  2. precious. i have a little book where i record some of my favorite musings, words, actions etc. of my daughter. she is now almost 13 and re-reading brings those moments back in crystal clear form. she still loves me to read the book to her. i have hundreds of photographs unorganized (still!) but at least i have these written memories.

  3. Ruby is so cute! Sounds like there is never a dull moment when she is around. My daughter has her days too when she wants everything on her head (as long as it is her putting them on her head).

  4. Just so sweet! And hilarious. Yes, 3 is kind of this magical, crazy age. I love how much more they are little people, but sometimes little people can be hurtful and frustrating too…just like us, I guess. 🙂

  5. I love how cheeky happy she looks here! iPhone candid pics are the best! Thank you for exposing how insanely human you are. {hugs}

  6. My daughter is almost 3 months, and although I know I shouldn’t wish away the early moments, I am so excited for the I love you’s. Thank you for your very real motherhood posts… They always manage to make this hormonal mama teary!

  7. I love these moments! My twins are 2 1/2 and starting to say the best things…including the random “I love you mommy” which just MELTS you. Love the “hancy” comment, ha – and whoa, where to begin with that boy/penis question? Yikes! Not sure I’m ready for questions like that. 😉

  8. Three is definitely a fun age, but I know what you mean a out the fits..I used to say my daughter had colic all over again when she was three because her fits started like clockwork every evening. Their adorable squishy faces make up for it though!

  9. awww these comment are just too cute. I’m actually shopping for my little one now. All our x-mas gifts were stolen from our shed just a few days ago. Thank goodness my husband and i are well off and we are blessed enough to have funds to just shop for new toys. I had to get all my shopping done online, but i got most off my gifts off

  10. hehe! oh my goodness ruby is too cute. my lil guy (27 months) likes to clarify who has penises and who doesn’t, too – “mama do you have one!? no, you have bagina!”
    um also another recent good one: “squirrel eats nut from his bumbum.”


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