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Fashion Vintage

something fun to do with a vintage scarf…

Turn a Vintage Scarf into a Necklace

Turn a Vintage Scarf into a Necklace

Every single time I go to a great flea market or vintage clothing store, I end up walking out of there with at least one vintage scarf. It’s probably cause I’m a sucker for color and pattern and the fact that the scarf is usually one-of-a-kind. But then you know what happens? I never wear them. I usually forget about them in the back of my closet or the weather isn’t quite right or I just don’t know what to do with ones that have weird lengths. So, guess what…we decided to turn my long-forgotten vintage scarves into necklaces! It’s super easy, still shows off the color and pattern, and it doesn’t alter them forever (so you can wear it as a scarf again later if you want)! Here’s how…

Turn a Vintage Scarf into a Necklace

You’ll need:

– Vintage Scarf

Wooden Beads

Clear Elastic Bands

– Copper Beads (optional)

Turn a Vintage Scarf into a Necklace

Here’s how:

1. Fold the scarf a few times—length-wise—to make it narrower.

2. Starting in the middle of the scarf, cover a wooden bead with the scarf material and begin to twist the scarf so it tightens around the bead.

3. Secure and twist on each side of the bead and secure with a clear elastic.

4. If you want, add a decorative copper bead in between each wrapped bead. The decorative bead will hide the elastic.

5. Once you have as many beads on the necklace as you’d like, tie a double-knot with the ends of the scarf, and it’s ready to wear!

Turn a Vintage Scarf into a Necklace

You could even leave some of the scarf end free to hang down asymmetrically into a chic scarf/necklace!

{Photos by Casey Brodleystyling by Julia Wester, crafting by Jess Hong}


  1. ha! When i was a kid in Girl Scouts, we made these for our Mom’s one year. I’m pretty sure my mom still has hers stashed away somewhere. She wore it proudly in the heydays of the 90’s. Glad to see it all come back around 🙂

  2. Ooh, this is a great idea, I always see these scarfs in thrift stores, I love them but never get any because I don’t know how to wear them, maybe I should grab a couple and follow this tutorial next time I see some for sale!?
    Kez |

  3. This is gorgeous! I love everything about it. I never buy silk scarves, because I don’t seem to style them well. I think I’ll change that. 🙂

  4. I saw your picture on Instagram and thought to myself: “Hmm… I should buy scarves more often.” Now that I see this it has totally solidified my decision and makes me want to do this DIY asap!

  5. This is so great! I inherited a bunch of my mother’s vintage scarves after she passed away and this is such a great way to bring them to life again in 2016.


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