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DIY Fashion

Bedazzled Faux Fur Coat DIY…

DIY: A Bedazzled Faux Fur Coat / via Oh Joy!

DIY: A Bedazzled Faux Fur Coat / via Oh Joy!

I love a good faux fur jacket! So today, we're showing you how to take one that you already have and make it extra unique and special. PLUS, it looks like a great vintage find. Here's how…


You'll need…
inexpensive faux fur coat
– buttons (assorted from Joann Fabrics)
– sewing needle
– thread


Here's how…
1. Place buttons as you'd like on the jacket. We placed them clustered in a couple spots and had a few trail off from the main areas.


2. Sew on each button with a needle and thread.


{Photos by Lily Glass. Styling by Julia Wester, styling assistance and crafting by Jess Hong.}



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