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It’s about time!



So, after much cajoling from my dear friend Beth…I have started a blog of my very own. She thinks my life is interesting enough to tell the whole world. So, for my very first post, here are some things I may talk about in the near future.

1. Being a freelance designer & all things related to shopping, home stuff, and visually cool things.
2. Being newly engaged, in love, & in the process of planning a wedding.
3. Being the owner of three cats. Mind you, I did not get three cats on my own…they are the result of the merging of assets between Me and my New Fiancé…one + two = three.
4. Being friends with Beth without whom this blog would not be possible. She also deserves credit for the name of my blog.
5. Being a fan of food and eating…all the time. You’ll wonder how a small Asian girl could think about food so much. But really, it’s possible.
6. Lastly, being a huge nerd. This is something I have come to accept in my recent years of adulthood. I am a dork/nerd and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Once you pass your mid-twenties, the level of dorkiness within you is pretty much set.


  1. I wrote you a couple of days ago, remember? well it’s me again, I was reading how it all started, and yes your friend Beth was right, it has been interesting. Good thing you create your blog.

  2. Hi Joy, Actually i’d better call u P’Joy. I came across your blog by link after link. first of all, I’d like to say that I love your blog a lot ‘coz i love quirky modern vintage things. Furthermore, I feel some connection we have in common…I’m also Thai who have got Korean boyfriend and I’m interested in fashion, chic illustrations, modern vintage decorations and so on…keep on updating your gorgeous site…i’ll visit here regularly <3

  3. Love your site! You’re one of my several inspirations to write a blog… oh yes! i needed one! Can I put you as one of my favorite links?

  4. Ok ,,,, that was so wierd. I was looking at today’s post on wedding bee …. Judi and I are getting married in July of 2007. I then see this pretty girl with a red flower in her hair and the caption says “Oh Joy”. I then told Judi that it was funny bc the picture looked like Joy from ink. I clicked on the pic and found out it was you! You look so beautiful in your wedding pictures. I am glad to see that you are happy and doing so well!

  5. Hi Joy! Congratulations on your five year anniversary! I am a big fan, been following you for a few years, I even made your blog my homepage because it always makes me happy!

  6. Oh, Joy, I’ve never made it all the way to the beginning of your blog before! I just read a great write up about you on the Everygirl and had to rush back here to the beginning. It’s so inspiring to see how far you’ve come from this first sweet post 😉
    I’ve been blogging for a few months now and it’s soooo hard. I never realized how tormenting it could be to put your thoughts and ideas out there to the resounding echo of cyber crickets.
    Looking forward to all the exciting projects ahead!

  7. Hi Joy, so glad you shared your 1st blog post! Friends of mine have been telling me for years to start my own blog. I was hesitant and pushed back the idea but after reading your book (Blog, Inc.), I finally decided to take the plunge. I’m so glad I did! Thanks for the continued inspiration!

  8. Hehe! I love how you still have your very first blog post up on your site. I think it’s inspiring for other bloggers too, to be able to see the journey. Nowadays people can start blogs that are beautiful so much more easily – great templates, resources, etc! One of my first posts had brutal point and shoot flash photography of an ugly pie I had made … hehe! Fun stuff. Love the #6 pic! xo

  9. Hi Joy! Just heard about you while listening to the Audible version of Content Inc. by Joe Pulizzi for the second time. I’m starring an online apparel business, but want to launch my blog before launching my products. You have been an inspiration. I will be reading your blogposts, and have just finished #1 from September of 2005. Wow, I have a lot of reading ahead!
    Thank you for your inspiration and sharing your model.
    Best regards,


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