…to check my site meter and come across a lovely article about my blog written by Wendy Zang of the South Bend Tribune in Indiana & Michigan. Thanks Wendy for your wonderful write up! I am truly flattered…
congrats, Joy! she’s right on the spot! too many cool things on your blog!
I just stumbled upon your site the other day and feel in love. Her article reflects my excitement and gratitude towards your lovely blog.
It is great to find a site that has all of my interests and fetishes packaged together on one site!
Hi there! I just came to your blog via a tip from my friend Kathleen at Liquid Sky Arts http://www.liquidskyarts.com/liquidblog/ and wanted to send a congrats!!! and woot, because South Bend is my hometown! Despite being a smallish city, the Tribune is a very good newspaper, as newspapers go! So congrats again!
congrats, Joy! she’s right on the spot! too many cool things on your blog!
I just stumbled upon your site the other day and feel in love. Her article reflects my excitement and gratitude towards your lovely blog.
It is great to find a site that has all of my interests and fetishes packaged together on one site!
Congrats Joy! That is so cool. You are a wonderful inspiration and I look forward to what you have to offer every morning.
thanks all for your nice comments. having readers like you make it all worth it–love all the people i’ve met through blog world!
im famous by association!
LOL Beth! That’s fabulous, and couldn’t be more accurate.
But now I’m craving coconut…
Hi there! I just came to your blog via a tip from my friend Kathleen at Liquid Sky Arts http://www.liquidskyarts.com/liquidblog/ and wanted to send a congrats!!! and woot, because South Bend is my hometown! Despite being a smallish city, the Tribune is a very good newspaper, as newspapers go! So congrats again!