For those of you thinking of, in the process, or already fully into starting your own business, The Girl’s Guide to Starting Your Own Business is a must! I bought this book last year through a recommendation I read somewhere and had put it aside until the other day. As I am now in the process of getting some new (& real!) businesses started, I’ve picked it back up…and I’m so happy I did. Despite the girl-power title and cover, this book gives very useful and practical info. for those who need the basics of how to start…some legal & financial issues, as well as useful information on writing a business plan. It’s a fun & easy read and a good stepping stone to the more serious information you might need later. I highly recommend!
thanks on the review. i was put off by the girl power title and cover
Thanks so much for the info on the book. I’m starting a business venture also. Good luck with yours. I’m sure you’ll do well.
Happy Friday Joy! You should submit a business plan to the small biz development center at wharton, I’m sure they have some funding opportunities!
maryse, i was put off by that too originally. there are a few girlish references..but most of it is really quite practical info. -joy
thanks -looks great
hmmm, looks great- good idea-
have a great weekend!
This is great! Thank you for sharing!! 🙂
ha! we’ve been reading the same book!
I bought my copy from Borders early last year, after reading good reviews about it. It gave me pretty good insights on starting up, and the fact that it didn’t bore me to sleep like most books do, i’d say it’s a big plus!
I also used this book when I was starting my freelance design business… it helped a lot and is a quick read with lots of good tips.
Thanks for the recommendation! That is exactly what I need and it doesn’t look too intimidating like other business-how-to books.
Thanks for the tip – these books are always good, if only to inspire and boost your confidence, especially for women. There are so many dark, boring, technical books out there but us girls need something candid, inspiring and honest. Good luck to everyone starting their own business – it’s hard but worth it.
I love your blog! Very nice. I’m happy I linked over. You live in one of my fave cities… my cousin actually lives there (he owns a magazine). I love Rittenhouse Square… Regarding this book you’ve featured, I’ve had it for awhile now and I refer back to it often. It’s fab, you’re right! I suggest reading it as well.
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i’ve been kicking around the idea of opening a retail business for a while now. i know it’s a pipe dream, but maybe a book like this would help me decide if it’s for me or not. because, hey, i’m “gurl” at heart…
You have a wonderful blog and thanks for recommendation!
I must say that your blog is outstanding.
I must say that your blog is outstanding.