For one week only, Oh Joy! readers can receive a 10% discount off any items purchased at the cool UK online shop Naive. They ship to the US, as well as a few other countries outside the UK. To take advantage of this offer, purchase an item between May 26-June 2. Simply enter the code: NAIVEOHJOY in the “notes” section of your Paypal cart. The discount will not be taken off immediately, but will be refunded to you once the order has processed. So, support this lovely little shop and be thanked for it! Here are some of my favorites from Naive…
{left to right, top to bottom:} xgLA Swarovski Necklace, Milkfed Love T-Shirt, Blissen T-Shirt, and Mosaic Plait Necklace…as well as the entire line of S.K. Hyde Bags I posted about last week!}
I like how you made your images look like polaroids today – super sweet girlfriend!
Holly, those images are actually from Naive’s site so I can’t take credit for that!
That necklace is fantastic!
I love this necklace too!!
Thank you for sharing, time to do some shopping 🙂