These beautiful hair pieces by Colette Malouf are inspired by ethereal shapes, fluid undertones, texture, and nature. She uses unique materials to create objects that adorn the hair, neck, and more…
Really glad I have found your site – loads of lovely inspirational stuff to look at without me having to find it1 Thank you!
Oh my goodness. You need to play A-list and have four weddings on four different continents so you can wear all of those.
I am really loving your picks. My vintage jewelry site is almost up, and when it’s done I expect to see your site splattered with vintage costume jewelry! Most of my stuff is up to your level, promise 😉
Really glad I have found your site – loads of lovely inspirational stuff to look at without me having to find it1 Thank you!
Love these! You find such cool stuff.
I have a few Colette Malouf barrettes – and people always comment on them. Love her!
oh beautimous!! Love the black and white!!
Oh my goodness. You need to play A-list and have four weddings on four different continents so you can wear all of those.
I am really loving your picks. My vintage jewelry site is almost up, and when it’s done I expect to see your site splattered with vintage costume jewelry! Most of my stuff is up to your level, promise 😉
wow… it’s very lovely + vintage