This Sunday, The Philadelphia Inquirer highlighted an article within its Image Section called, “Add to Favorites”. And, yours truly is one of the five bloggers being featured. Yikes! Here’s a link to the article version, which will be viewable to non-subscribers only for a few days. Huge thanks to Dan Rubin of Blinq for his very kind words and to Eric Mencher for the photos!
Thanks Philadelphia Inquirer!

Congratulations Joy!!
What a great article Joy!! Congratulations! 😀
P.S. Gorgeous Picture Joy! Not too serious at all. I love it!
That is a beautiful picture of you! Congrats!!
joy! you’re popular! wow. i can’t believe i’m going to have family who is famous! hehe. btw, you’re picture doesn’t do you justice! you should’ve had your eyes closed. ;p just kidding. see you wednesday. 🙂
this is great joy, congrats!
how awesome! congratulations! sean and i actually ate at siam cuisine in doylestown a few weeks ago! what a coincidence!
Congratulations! I loved the article, and the picture is great, too!
Congratulations – very nice article – well deserved!
Congratulations! What an amazing honor!
I’m jumping for JOY!!!!
Super congratulations… 🙂
congrats! what a great article 🙂
Go Joy!!! I’m so psyched for you, that’s awesome!!! You must be so excited.
–It’s no suprise to me that they took notice.
__ Hey…the photo is great too!
congrats! the article was great!
is that your studio in the background of the picture? if it is, i am in love! what a fabulous workspace!!!
uhhhhhmazing!! its so fun to get “Press” :)) teehee! congrats!
congratulations, Joy! it’s great to know you more and more! 🙂
No blog deserves it more! Congrats!!
Darling, We are very pround of you.Love Mom and Dad
Darling, We are very pround of you.Love Mom and Dad
hi everyone,
wow! thanks so much for all the nice words and praise. i was super flattered to be asked to be in this article and am truly honored you all continue to read this little blog regularly 😉
Congratulations, Joy! You’re an inspiration to other bloggers.
wow joy–this is so cool.
1. didn’t know you lived so close–i’m in jersey!
2. didn’t know you worked for rowley–wow.
3. you are so mad talented and have sooo much potential!!
Congrats Joy!!!
I’m so happy for you! 🙂
Wow, congrats on the article. So glad I found your blog:)
congratulations, joy! 🙂
Congratulations Joy! what a wonderful article.
Congrats Joy!! Great article commending a great blog!
Well done Joy – a great article and a lovely photo.
That is SO great ~ Congrats!
ps – great photo! 😉
i LOVE your parents comment!
Hi, so awesome Joy! and deborah was right, your eyes should be closed:). Is this photo in there as well? i did not see it…
congrats joy!!! that is so wonderful!
awesome, joy! what fun!
Wow Joy! Congratulations.
What a great article on you! You certainly deserve this recognition. You go girl!
Wow! That is just FANTASTIC news! Congratulations 🙂
Look at you! So pretty and famous. (And the comment your parents left is just too sweet) Go Joy!
Congrats, Joy! You are so deserving of this recognition.
Congrats Joy! You certainly deserve it…and what a chic and glamorous photo!!