these are on sale right now at Century 21 in lower Manhattan. They didn’t have my size though 🙁 Reply
Sah-weet, Joy! How are those wedding plans coming along? You are getting married a week from Saturday, you must be SOARING! 🙂 Reply
ıt’s very beaytiful shoes. very coll. I’m weblog adresses, myweblog’s info, tecnology,design,knitting,healty,wedding, and else.. see you. Reply
How fun. They even look warm. Great find. k
these are on sale right now at Century 21 in lower Manhattan.
They didn’t have my size though 🙁
Sah-weet, Joy!
How are those wedding plans coming along? You are getting married a week from Saturday, you must be SOARING! 🙂
These are quite wonderful!!!
ıt’s very beaytiful shoes. very coll. I’m weblog adresses,
myweblog’s info, tecnology,design,knitting,healty,wedding, and else..
see you.