Helmick & Schechter have been collaborating on sculpture projects since 1994. A shared interest in the mechanics of visual perception, especially the consolidating properties of human vision, led the artists to the overarching concept for their first collaboration, Ghostwriter, an interior suspended sculpture. Since then the artists have developed a range of experimental approaches. I’ve seen their "Impulse" sculpture (2nd image below) in person and they are gorgeous…tons of tiny cast pewter birds make up larger birds that hang beautifully and gracefully in the air…
Cool Artists: Helmick & Schechter

Beautiful! I live in Chicago and everytime I see that sculpture in Midway airport I think it’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen! Thanks for the post – your blog is GREAT by the way ;o)
stunning 🙂
Really beautiful.
I’ve seen the Rara Avis Piece in Chicago. I couldn’t stop looking at it. It gave me that wide eyed sense of awe that we have as children : )
these are truly lovely in every way! i hope to see them in person!
These sculptures are so beautiful and clever, I would love to see them in person.
Adoro este bolg!! es espectacular, a diario entro para ver que hay nuevo.
un beso y saludos desde Argentina
How funny, we were just in the Seattle airport (best airport art) last week and I loved the sculpture so much. Thank you for the link info! Now if we could get them to catch up at JFK or LaGuardia airports….
holy cow! it has been a while since i last visited, and it surely must have been divinely inspired – to see the title of this post. as i read it, my immediate thought was “is that stuart?” hehe so wonderful to see my husband’s cousin featured here. =) thanks so much for this!
That’s great stuff! I’m sure they’re even more impressive in person.
They look like they might be stunning.. wish I could see them in person..I really like this kind of display/sculpture or exhibit.. cool..
It’s awesome how these shots have so much movement in them. It must be even more amazing to see in person.
I’ve seen the work of the flowers compaosing a jet at the NC musuem of art. I think some of their other work is even better. Especially the sliced person and the faces with tiny lights. Anyway, first time commenting, but have been reading for a few months. Thanks for doing the work so i can enjoy the perks. m.
I’ve seen the work of the flowers composing a jet at the NC musuem of art. I think some of their other work is even better. Especially the sliced person and the faces with tiny lights. Anyway, first time commenting, but have been reading for a few months. Thanks for doing the work so i can enjoy the perks. m.
this is so wonderful
i love that most of their sculptures are in large public places, rather than galleries or museums!
I think one of these is in the neiman marcus in san diego. its so pretty: )