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  1. Oh, those are just the kind of chairs that I would put around a super modern marble top table…on that I have one, but I am working on it! Gotta be ready!
    Thanks for the great link 🙂

  2. If you have any information on what company makes the fabric with the french writing on it please let me know. Thank you.

  3. I have carried a piece of your red French Script fabric with me for 3 years..have ALL of your books…I have an avid addiction to great French/Italian chairs..would love to be able to sell your fabric here in the South,but have been unable to find a way!!! You have a great gift…thank you for sharing it with us…AND thank you for the inspiration!!!

  4. 闭上眼睛想象一下自己的工作室里放上一把金色手稿或者紫色玫瑰的椅子,洛可可式的纤细线条、女性化的姿态以及仿旧而妩媚的色调将使整个房间充满浪漫与神秘色彩。那会是怎样一场美妙的艳遇啊!真的太漂亮了!


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