My favorites bits from this month’s magazines…great vignettes of whimsical story-telling…
{left to right, top to bottom: animal toys from Martha Stewart Weddings Fall 07, wall mural in David Bromley’s home in Vogue Living (AUS), Bemelmans Bar from House & Garden November 07, and the lush, forest-like dessert table at Katie Duong & Ian Berry’s wedding in Martha Stewart Weddings Fall 07.}
I love the children in the wall mural. Can you subscribe to Vogue AUS if you live in the states? ~anisa
Love that mural in David Bromley’s home!
The faux-bois wedding cake makes me want to have another wedding. It is one of the greastes things I have ever seen!
Ah! I’m couch-stalking right now (plan to buy new ones next year) and I’ve narrowed it down to tan or dark red leather. Th colour and feel of the David Bromley couch is just want I want! Scooshy and soft and lived in and warm, but still leather (pity the arm rests aren’t the right shape to double as headrests. That’s the only design feature the SO has requested).