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  1. Woo hoo! Happy birthday / Felicidades – we’ll be sure to stop by the Mixed Co booth when we visit the show on Tuesday.

  2. Happy Birthday and Happy everyday my darling. It’s a wonderful day to celebrate your birthday with a thousand of your friends.The booth look fantastic.Have fun.

  3. Well, belated “Happy Birthday”, Joy! The booth looks FANTASTIC! Can’t wait for more!
    Have a great show!
    (Posted pics of you on your wedding day from the k.autumn site. Had NO idea you knew Kelly!?! You looked phenomenal!)

  4. Happy Birthday, Joy! I’d say that was a great way to spend it; surrounded by paper goods! Hope you’re having a great time 🙂

  5. happy birthday joy! and oh my lord i am needing that chocolate and gold notebook – i will be stalking your shop… xoox

  6. Happy Birthday—what an inspiring way to spend the big day! Good luck with the show. The Mixed Co. booth looks great! I know how much work that must have been.

  7. Happy belated birthday, Joy! What a perfect little cake, and the booth looks great too. My mother is loving the Nantaka Joy notebooks I got her!

  8. Joy, how did I not even know?!!! Happy late birthday. I loved catching up with you. Your booth was stunning. You are stunning. And that ramen was delicious. I hope you had a ball at Chikalicious!!! Talk to you soon I hope!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday! And…you’re so young! Not that i think u’re old…hehee…but that you’ve achieved so much at 29 🙂 And that’s a lovely cake! Hope you have a great beautiful year ahead!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday, Joy! I didn’t realize our birthdays were in the same week, cool!
    Congrats on the show, your display was gorgeous.
    Wishing you a lot of happiness and success this year,


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