If there was ever a book I wanted to eat, the French book, Une Année de Fauchon {A Year of Fachon} would be it. The French patisserie makes such beautiful edible delights that can even be appreciated just by looking at them. I especially love these fancy pants eclairs.
{photos by Fachon}
I love the Mona Lisa eyes and the peas and carrots!
My co-worker and I are DROOLING.
OMG! Look at this picture! All those Éclairs…yummy! Have you seen the one they did for BRIGITTE BARDOT! http://gourmet.updateordie.com/cinema/2009/11/viva-a-brigitte/
nothing makes food taste better than to look like that
absolutely won’t say no to these…
All those Éclairs…yummy! Have you seen the one they did for BRIGITTE BARDOT http://fullmediafire.com