Adele, who works for the Canadian clothing line Dace, had the sweetest
"un-birthday" party for her 10-year-old daughter last weekend. Set within the gorgeous setting of Vancouver's Hycroft Manor, everyone dressed their part {love the twins Tweedledee and Tweedledum}. Both kids and adults alike seemed to have an amazing time! Happy Birthday, Jayme! See more photos below the jump…
{photos by Ryan Savella}
Wow… it is the sweetest party ever! I love the beautiful pictures!
it’s like a fairy tale!!
SO FRICKIN’ CUTE!!!! Love the pics!!!
What a sweet party! Those mustache cupcakes are adorable!
Looks like it was a fantastic time, love all the outfits.
So adorable!!!
I love the little ‘eat me’ cakes, and the costumes are amazing.
how cute is the birthday girl jayme?? love it that she went as the rabbit..! yay adele, great party, you cool mama!! 🙂
i LOVE the glasses with the rabbit nose.
mustashes on cupcakes, bunny tales on birthday girls… I LOVE this… beautiful shots and adorable details…so perfectly Alice
Those cupcakes are outrageous. I want, I want, I want!!
Wow – what an amazing party. They thought of every detail – she’ll definitely cherish the memory of this birthday!
This is so great!!! I love itt!! From the macaroons to the costumes!!
<3 Kelly
Wow – these pics are just too cute! Thanks for sharing, Joy!
Beautiful photos and great theme 🙂
Well having the access to such grand manor does add some beauty advantage, still it’s a great party and photos.
My gosh! This is my perfect day!!
i really like this post! great blog don’t ever stop blogging:)
this is too cute <3
LOVE, just tweeted it!
Such an amazing party! Love that everyone dressed up!
Wild seeing these on here! My friend was at this party, and I was just looking at the photos the other day… bizarre.
Fabulous looking party!
one cool party and love the birthday girl outfit!! instead of being alice-y, she was the rabbit, how cool is that..! absolutely love the last picture!!!
Magnificent! Makes me want to host a theme party, (unbirthday or otherwise)!!!