This reminds me of a recent post on the Tiny Choices blog, that was basically about what if stylish women in cute outfits took up biking more (sort of how it is in much of Europe)… wouldn’t that influence younger girls and encourage a wider biking culture? So much of bike culture in the U.S. seems to revolve around smelly hipster dudes or fitness freaks. Maybe all a biking revolution needs is good design?
Love! I’m really itching for a bike, and I think this is exactly the look I want to sport. My fiance is all about us starting to bike around Brooklyn, I think we should give it a go!
adorable! 🙂
OOH!! These are EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for! Thank you so much!
Oh how I wish I had a bike! These are wonderful!
holy inspiration of girliness!!! i’m totally giving my bike a makeover. maybe this is the weekend.
incredible! i’m lovin’ all the bike accessories and their blog. Very girly and practical. the pink floral dress in the top photo isn’t bad either!
This reminds me of a recent post on the Tiny Choices blog, that was basically about what if stylish women in cute outfits took up biking more (sort of how it is in much of Europe)… wouldn’t that influence younger girls and encourage a wider biking culture? So much of bike culture in the U.S. seems to revolve around smelly hipster dudes or fitness freaks. Maybe all a biking revolution needs is good design?
I suddenly feel like going out, buying old bikes and giving them floral makeovers!
I really want her dress!
So, so gorgeous!
Oh, that dress! Oh, that bike! All it needs is a little basket on the front with a kitty. 🙂
I’m in love with that dress!
Well, yes, the bike is pretty and the bag is lovely, but…
The dress… oh, what a super duper perfection! Heart thumping.
That bike is awesome and that bag is sah-wheet!
Wow, this is so cute. But does anyone know where that dress is from? I LOVE IT!
Love! I’m really itching for a bike, and I think this is exactly the look I want to sport. My fiance is all about us starting to bike around Brooklyn, I think we should give it a go!
beautiful bag!
I am obsessed!! this amazing accessory will be perfect with my bicycle earrings. 🙂
thanks for sharing, joy!
What a gorgeous dress!
Such a cute dress!
Any idea of where I can get some yummy tape like that to cover my bike in?