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yard sale!



In preparation for my move later this month, I'm planning a local yard sale in San Diego of things I'll be clearing through for the move. There will be a mix of clothes {size XS-SM}, shoes {size 6-7}, and well as many things that have no size…like books, art prints, jewelry, stationery, home decor, art supplies, and more. Everything will be in very good or like new condition and most will be in the range of $5-30. If you're local and would like to come to the sale, please email me at: hello(at) with the subject "yard sale". If there is enough interest and those who can make it, I'll have the sale on Saturday, July 24th from 12-2pm 10am-12pm at a park in Coronado…and will email all of those who can come with a confirmation and details! Thanks!

{UPDATE: Thanks to great response, I will be having the yard sale that day except we've decided to move it up earlier in the morning from 10am-12pm. If you can come and would like details, you can still email me as noted above. I will email out a location and details a few days before the sale.}


  1. ooohh bummer. wish i was in cali and could come to your yard sale. i’m sure you have great stuff. love your blog. thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Hey!
    Unrelated question:
    what is the name of the flowers in the picture?
    The orange and the yellow ones?

  3. I am thrilled.
    My husband grew up in Coronad. It is so pretty We live in Del Mar now but we always go to Coronado for the 4th.
    I would love to come to your sale.
    I can’t wait.
    Please stop by and visit my blog too.

  4. I’m definitely hoping to come see this – sounds like you have just my taste! My Sister-in-law, Beverly Stone, told me about your yard sale and I live in Carmel Valley, just north of Coronado. See you the 24th! Jan

  5. Oh how I wish I lived in California. I love yard sales and I’m sure I’d hit the jackpot with yours. I totally love your style and design aesthetic. Have fun and good luck with the move!

  6. I plan on making it over to Coronado for the sale!
    I can’t believe I didn’t know you were a SD blogger! I love it.
    Which park have you decided on?


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